Fundraising for Suor Angelica Opera

Last week I mention in my BTW post that I've been working on making some jewelry to benefit a friend who has been given an extraordinary opportunity. Since I finally got a few of those pieces in the shop this morning I figured I'd share more about this (with some of the jewelry I've made scattered in for good measure.)
Cross My Heart Necklace

My friend, Melanie, has been invited to sing the lead role in Puccini's opera Suor Angelica this summer in Rome as part of Operafestival di Roma 2012. As you can imagine, this opportunity could be life-changing for Melanie. While it includes four weeks of training and a week of performances, the cost of tuition for the program is rather steep.  As such, she is doing everything she can to try to raise the funds in order to participate.
Modern Religion Necklace

That's where I come in. Melanie approached me about making some jewelry that would symbolize Suor Angelica and donating a small percentage to her Rome fund. I thought this was a fantastic idea and a way that I could help her. So, 50% of the sales of the items in the Sour Angelica Fundraiser section of my shop with go into Melanie's fund.
Music for Your Soul
Since I am not familiar with the opera, Melanie informed me that it is about a nun, Sister Angelica, who lives in a convent. She uses flowers and herbs to make medicines for her other sisters. Melanie will be performing this production in an actual church in Rome. How cool is that!? Anyway, based on the theme of the opera, many of the pieces in this collection have crosses and music notes. I will be making additional items for the collection, but I wanted to get the ball rolling on my fundraising efforts for Melanie.
Music Dreams Necklace
If you are interested in helping Melanie achieve this dream but don't want to have to purchase jewelry from me, please visit Melanie's fundraising site for Suor Angelica in Rome. You can donate there, follow Melanie's fundraising efforts, and even see a video of her. Remember, every little bit helps!
Rose Garden Necklace
If the current items in the shop don't appeal to you, please come back by my Suor Angelica shop section another time as I will be adding more items as I get them made. Remember, 50% of all monies collected from the items sold out of this section will be going directly to Melanie.

1 comment:

Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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