BTW: Wild Week

What's with this week already? It's kicking my butt! I feel like I'm taking one step forward and two steps back. So let me go ahead and get a blog post out so I can cross SOMETHING off my to do list today!

It's Bead Table Wednesday!!

Here's the current state of my craft desk.

It's covered with crosses and music notes because I've begun a project to help raise funds for a friend of mine who has been selected for the lead in an opera in ROME! However, she needs some help to get the money together to actually go. I'll be sharing some more information about this fundraising effort very soon. For now, here's a few of the pieces (also on my bead table) I've completed for this effort.

The BTW Flickr Group has more beady goodness!

Oh, and there's a new necklace and a re-listed necklace in the shop.
Lady Victoria Necklace
Woodland Pal Necklace

It's back to the grind for me. I hope you're having a much more productive week!


  1. Hope, That is a wonderful thing you are doing for your friend to help her get to Rome. It is a win win situation they get a beautiful piece of jewelry for their donation. I love the blue and green one with the musical note.

  2. I'm sorry this week is kicking your butt! I'll have a stern talk with it and tell it to go easier on you. :)

    What a great friend you are, helping your opera-singing friend raise money! I wish both of you success!

  3. I had a week like that last week. Don't know what I did but it didn't seem like much. Love your new project. Hope it all works out for your friend. How cool to sing opera in Rome!

  4. Those necklaces are absolutely gorgeous!That looks like such a fun project though. Good luck!

  5. Andrea- Thanks! I've got so much on my plate right now I really do hope I can help! I appreciate you stopping in!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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