When It Comes to Procrastination, I'm a Winner!

Yesterday I mentioned the deadline for my shop and the work I needed to get done. After posting, I bust into the craft room, cleaned off my work table, and began sorting all my beads by color*. Wait. What?

Yes, I delayed the process once more by doing something I've been toying with doing for AGES. It took me a lot less time than I had imagined it would. Yet, by the end of it, I felt guilty for not getting anything accomplished toward the ultimate goal of getting some product IN THE SHOP!

I still had a few hours before I had to head out, so I pulled the necklaces and bracelets that I do have completed to check their quality and durability. As well, I took a close look at all of them to decide if they really are something I want to put in the shop. Two necklaces (ancient ones made YEARS ago) were taken off that list.

The plan for today is to take the same approach to the handful of earrings I have completed and then start taking pictures of everything. I'll probably also work on writing the shop policies etc. Of course, there's a voice in the back of my head that wants me to work on creating backgrounds for the pictures. Gah! I'm the best procrastinator I know! It will all come together in the end, I just like to push the boundaries of my deadlines sometimes. (Ah, fond memories of all-nighters in college!)

Here I go!!

*I was hoping to post some pics of the beautiful color organization of my beads, but my camera battery is still charging (recovering) and I really should get to work. Maybe later!!

1 comment:

  1. You are so talented that you will be fine. Just destress and no that it takes time. You are so creative. It will be okay. DESTRESS. ;)


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