Getting Back into the Swing of that Jewelry Thing

By the end of this week, I should have the Etsy shop open and ready for business with some items listed and everything.

I know it seems to have taken forever, but I've been on two separate "vacations." That's in quotes because the first one was more of an obligation/service than a vacation. Of course, I enjoyed myself. But, the second one was the real vacation. You see, Pat and I went to ARUBA for a week!!! He got to do his windsurfing (and some kiteboarding) thing and I got to sit on a lounge chair under a palappo (dang, I know that spelling is wrong but it means tiki hut) and flip through bead magazines, doodle, and listen to music. Of course, I also took breaks from that to get in the crystal clear and perfect temperature water!! It was wonderful.

Even though we were getting our chill on, Pat and I discussed this new venture of mine and how he'd like to see me speed some things up. As such, I have a deadline of having at least one item listed by Friday. So, instead of playing the week away in the craft room with some of the ideas and notes I have from the week of vacation, I will be working more on the business side of things. We'll see how it goes. For now, I'll leave you with some of my favorite images from Aruba!
That's about it for now. I suppose I should get to work and all that jazz. Of course, these images of Aruba will be floating through my mind all day! Inspiration to say the least!


  1. looking forward to seeing some items in your shop! :)

  2. Lovely! I still think you could have packed us in your luggage!!!


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Winding down the 100DayProject

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