Some Tee-Hee's for Tuesday

So now that all I've talked about for a week has been the ball, I'm ready to get back on track with the blog. Officially, it is "Techie Tuesday," but I am WAY behind on my "Made Me Smile" material and that list is much longer than the techie one. we go:
  • I was a fan of this song in high school and really haven't heard it since.
  • If a turtle is without a shell, is he homeless or naked?
  • I don't know why but this picture posted in a thrifting LiveJournal Community makes me crack up every time I look at it Nuns rollerskating, seriously funny!
  • The 10 Top Funny, Odd and/or Interesting photos of 2007. Well, the first picture did NOT make me smile at all, but the rest are pretty funny.
  • What do a hurricane, a tornado, and a redneck divorce have in common? Somebody's losing a trailer.
  • These top 'craptions' of 2007 sure made me chuckle.
  • J.K. Rowling may actually release another wizarding book for us Harry P fans.
  • News reporters are people too and can even make embarrassingly naughty bloopers
  • The same is true for young preachers during a sermon.
  • Bob Barker even had to endure Bloopers on The Price Is Right.
  • A sweatshirt for the Ball State Jays Wide Receiver that, because of an unfortunate graphic design read "all State B Jays Wide Receiver". . . .I tried to take a picture, but I think the person donning the shirt caught on before I could get the picture.
  • The 2007 Darwin Awards have been announced. I haven't had time to go through them, but they are usually fairly amusing.
  • We've all heard some pretty strange names. Here are the 20 Most Bizarre Celebrity Baby Names. I've got a few favorites, let me know what yours are.
  • There is some pretty funny graffiti out there. WARNING!! second page of that link has a topless woman (why? IDK).
  • You can't help but smile when you watch this kitten and two ferrets play with a paper bag. TOO CUTE!!
  • Lastly, I smiled all the way through my Mardi Gras Ball as I drank, danced, and had a fabulous time.
I hope some of this made you smile too.

While I'm here, I'll go ahead with my goal weigh in...
Crafting - Haven't done any since Friday night (what can I say, the Ball consumed my weekend)
Losing Weight - Had a good dinner last night and a good lunch today, danced at ball, but no real exercise since last 'weigh in'.
Organizing - Have re-started making meal plans and cleaned kitchen last night

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