Currently I'm...

 Here's just a little update on what I've been up to lately. 

Currently I'm...

Cooking - Tonight’s menu plan is to make a vegetarian meal of this Linguini in Lemon Cream Sauce with a side of simple roasted broccoli. 

Creating ALL THE THINGS. I have two 100-Day projects: #Making100Faces and #MiniAssemblage100 which I’m doing each and every day right now. AND, the #TUAC5MinChallenge from @TheUglyArtClub starts on the 20th. So, that will be another daily challenge but only for two weeks. And, currently, my desk looks like this (below) as I’m trying to get some new jewelry made. 

Feeling the change of seasons deep in my sinuses. Oh, the headache I have right now!

Hoping I can get some things made and tasks done. There’s just so much on my list. But, I do like to stay busy. 

Knowing I won’t get everything done. 😂😂

Listing - Lately, everything going into the Etsy shop has been relists - hence the reason I’m trying to get some jewelry made. But, here’s the latest listing. 

Cool Junk Earrings

Making lots of earrings as that seems to be what’s been selling the best lately.

Marveling over how low the temperatures continue to be here in the middle of April. Y’all, I’m in South Alabama. We’re usually floating in the pool by this time of the year! But, I'm not complaining. It will be plenty warm soon enough. 

Needing to get some flowers planted before it does get TOO hot. 

Sewing - I just stitched this sweet little thing while watching one of my husband’s bands play in a local park the other night. It was the perfect way to keep my hands busy while enjoying some great music. 

Thinking that I should wrap this up!

Wishing that there was more time in the day to get everything done that I want to do. 

Wondering what you’ve been up to.

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