May Art Challenges and Inspiration

Finding a good challenge always keeps me inspired and moving forward to try new things. And, I like to see how these challenges inspire others too, so I make sure to share them in one place in case anyone else wants to play along. Below are the challenges and inspirations I've found for this month. Which of them inspires you to make something new?

I'm starting with the ones that have their reveals the soonest. Some of these are in the next several days - so I encourage you to find out what the themes are for next month if this is too short of notice for you. 

  • The Be Creative Challenge from Terry of Tapping Flamingo on YouTube is set for its reveal on the 13th (of each month). For May, the theme is Flowers. You are welcome to interpret this inspiration in any medium you wish. This is a video reveal with the hashtag #BeCreativeFlowers so that those participating can find one another. 
  • On the 15th of each month, there's the Pirate Pretties Jewelry Challenge reveal from Angela. This is a birthstone-inspired challenge in which for this month, we were challenged to use the color emerald, gunmetal or bronze metal, make earrings, and (optionally) use the fun elements of Celtic and/or crystals. If the 15th is cutting it close, you can start on June's challenge of using the colors Pearl or Alexandrite, silver or gold metal, make a necklace, and (optionally) included a bold pendant. Your reveal can be on YouTube and/or in the Pirate Pretties Facebook group. 
  • Another strictly-jewelry challenge is the Honey Do List from Sarajo and Eric of SJ Designs Jewelry. Each month, Eric provides a picture as inspiration for the month. The reveal is set for June 3rd when Sarajo will have a linky tool up for you to share your post. In fact, you can probably still find last month's linky tool open if you find some inspiration in April's photo from Eric.
  • If you'd rather just have a palette to work from rather than a whole photo, Halcraft Collection has their Pretty Palette Inspiration that they share each month. I believe this challenge is open for the whole month, but you can find all the information on their site.
  • If you're more interested in art journaling, check out Mixed Media Menagerie. It's a challenge on YouTube and Instagram that gives you three prompts to work into a mixed media piece. This is hosted by Nicole Watson Art, Erin DeCoste, and Laura Mixed Media. For May, the prompts are soft pastels, watercolors, and florals. You can participate in the tag-a-long by using the tag #MMMMay22 on either (or both) YouTube or Instagram. You have all month to play along.
  • Lastly is the #4Core challenge from Ina Solsbery on YouTube. Toward the beginning of each month, Ina reveals what she made for the previous month and shares what the "Four Core" ingredients are for the current month. This is a 3D or 2D mixed media challenge. (Ina is an amazing assemblage artist and has kept me inspired through my 100 Day Project.) The four parts for this month are 1-theme: related to light, 2-vintage or rustic style, 3-add a black and white pattern on one element in the piece, and 4-include something traditionally found in the kitchen. Ina does a fantastic job of explaining and giving examples of these at the end of her April reveal video. If you're interested, I encourage you to watch and play along. 
I know there are plenty more challenges out there that I'm probably leaving out. Please share them in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Same thing here - I wouldn't have come so far in jewelry making without the challenges and bead swaps that I miss so much. I have some ideas for Sarajo's challenge :)


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