DIY Emerald Earrings for May

I've been participating in the Pirate Pretties Jewelry Challenge from Angela of Pirate Pretties Jewelry for the last several months. This is a birthstone challenge in which we are given the birthstone(s) colors, a choice of metal types, a project type, and an optional fun element to include in one or more pieces. Here are May's.

Birthstone: Emerald

Metal: Gunmetal or Bronze

Project: Earrings

Fun Elements: Celtic or Crystals 

I made two pairs of earrings using these prompts.

And, I recorded my process for the Pirate Pretties Jewelry Challenge.

I begin the video with the easiest-to-make pair. They are simply made by stringing beads onto a headpin and forming a wrapped loop. I intentionally made them look like "May Flowers," using the emerald beads as the stems. I think they're pretty darling.

For the second pair, I broke out the heavier tools and chemicals as I worked with a piece of old cookie tin that was in the right shade of green. In the video, I walk you through cutting, sanding, punching, aging, and sealing the tin. This is all done before any beads are added. 

For both pairs of earrings, I used crystal clear faceted beads to meet the "crystals" part of the task. While I did use gunmetal findings in the second pair, I have to admit that the first pair is aged brass rather than bronze, but I think that's a small detail. 

Once again, I'm tickled to have had this challenge before me. I probably would not have brought these pieces together without the prompts from Angela. If you're interested in seeing what others made for this month's birthstone challenge, I encourage you to click the hashtag in the video title (on YouTube) or join Angela's Pirate Pretties Jewelry group on Facebook. She will have a picture of what she made in the group and everyone else is welcome to add their contributions in the comments of that photo. 

Are you seeing May flowers where you are, or will you try to make your own too?

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