Peek at My Week (Oct 3 - 9)

 I'm happy to see that I'm able to make a little time to share what my week looked like.
Take a peek. 

I worked on a few projects on Sunday while one of my nieces and her boyfriend came over to help Pat clean the floor of the new building. I explored the property for a bit looking for the weird and wonderful and found plenty to delight me (above).

There was even this little treasure half-buried under a tree. 
It tickles me so! I can just imagine one of the kids who grew up in our house playing out in the yard with this toy motorcycle.

I also finished up a little needlebook I've been working on based on the skills I learned in the Mixed Media Textile Collage class from Sara Hartmann on the Southern Gals Designs Creative Academy

Monday was all about knocking out the chores and finishing several projects. Though, my favorite part was probably the joy I found in watching the birds and squirrels at the feeder we recently hung outside my craft room window!

I piddled most of Tuesday, working on a few things including this resin and tin piece. 
I actually didn't even realize that it looked like an eye until Pat said something about it. Ha!

Really, the day was spent waiting to hit the road for a fun experience. On the way, the sky was glorious! I even spotted a rainbow as we were crossing Mobile Bay. 

Then it was time for the BIG SHOW. Seriously.
KISS put on a concert like none other I've ever seen. It was amazing!

The rest of the week paled in comparison. Here are some of the highlights. 
 - I found a massive sticker book from someone's scrapbooking days at Goodwill on Wednesday.
- On Thursday, I visited with my mom and niece in Mobile.

Most of Friday was spent working on a design I had begun earlier in the week and was desperate to get finished. 

While I absolutely adore how the earrings came together. There are a few flaws with this particular design. So, these earrings are mine (all mine!)

Most of my Saturday was spent watching college football. Though, I made sure to keep myself busy with some organizing, art journaling, and beading on and off throughout the day.
Unfortunately, Alabama (my team) just barely lost their game, bringing down an otherwise beautiful week. But, I'm trying to stay optimistic for the week to come. 

Once again, I didn't find much to share. But, here are a few links for you to enjoy.
And, that was my week. 
How was yours?


  1. I envy you in a good wat for the KISS concert! It must have been spectacular! I like the stitching project, maybe because this is something I want to try to give a second chance my threads and yarn stash :)

  2. I love your fabric book! And the raindrop earrings.

    1. Thanks! Seeing that little needle book makes me want to stitch more. I've been lax on that since I finished that book. And, I have a stack of items put aside and designed for that class. One day! I'm so glad you like those raindrop earrings. I've made a couple others in that style and really like it. I hope to make more eventually, but cutting, sanding, sealing, punching, shaping, and assembling all of them always seems so daunting. I really should just break it down into smaller chunks so it's not so scary. Thanks for the encouragement!


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