October Challenges and Inspiration

Finding new design challenges has been a bit of a...challenge in itself lately. But, there are still a few out there that I can share with you if you're looking for inspiration.

  • First, let me apologize for the fact that I totally flaked out in September. Sarajo of SJ Designs Jewelry did, in fact, share an inspiration photo for the Honey Do List. And it is a GOOD ONE! Though September has ended, she still has the linky tool open for almost another two weeks in case you want to design something for the challenge. I've already got my wheels turning for this one. 
  • The Art Elements October Theme is Skulls. I know I've got a few skull beads in my stash and do love the sugar skulls for Dias de las Muertos (Day of the Dead). So,  I might be able to do something with that. You have all month to submit your contributions to the album in the Art Elements Community on Facebook
  • The Halcraft Collection Pretty Palette Challenge features an array of colors for this month's "Leaf It All Behind" palette. Head over to their page to get all the deets!
  • UPDATE! Sarajo has shared the October Honey Do List inspiration. The reveal date is Nov. 8th, but I'm sure the linky tool will be open for a few weeks after that date. 
I do have another challenge for the month, but it's part of a subscription membership group, so I don't feel comfortable sharing it here. But, I'm always on the lookout for more inspiration. So, if you know of something I've missed, please don't hesitate to let me know so I can add it to the list.
What's been inspiring you lately?

1 comment:

  1. I really hope to take the skull challenge, I've got a beautiful lampwork skull. Struggling with my personal challenge is a priority and doesn't leave much room for more. I'll have to revise my decision and do more online challenges next year, they are so fun!


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