June Challenges & Inspirations

I have to admit that I've been pretty lax lately about the art challenges I participate in. I think The 100 Day Project got the best of me, and I needed a break. Of course, I've already jumped onto another daily project but hope I can balance it out some. 

Here are the ones I know about for this month so far. 

  • ICAD (Index Card A Day) is the new daily challenge I've begun. I have done it the past several years and thought it would be fun once again. You can find all the information about ICAD from Tammie of Daisy Yellow. She has prompts and instructions and ideas for you to explore on her site. Though the official start date was June 1, you still have plenty of time to catch up if you want to play along!
  • Over on the Art Elements page, Jenny announced that the June Theme is Lizards. This makes me smile as chameleons are one of my favorite animals. But, I'm not sure how I can work them into my jewelry and art. I guess I need to explore that some! That's the fun of the challenge. You can submit your contributions to this theme in the Art Elements Community on Facebook throughout the month.
  • Halcraft Collection has revealed their Blue Lagoon Pretty Palette Inspiration for June, and I love it. Blues are definitely my jam. Get all the information about how to play along with this challenge on their page. 
  • Sarajo and Eric revealed the inspiration photo for June's Honey Do List. Take a look at their photo and create some jewelry! The reveal is set for June 28th, but Sarajo usually leaves the linky tool open for some time if your inspiration takes a bit to strike!
And, that's really all I have for this month. If you know of any other inspirations that could be added to this list, please don't hesitate to let me know. I'd be happy to include them also. Happy creating!

1 comment:

  1. Ha, it's been a no-challenge year for me so far but I have something for the lizards one :) Even if I don't make it in June, it has to be this year, I've been postponing it far too long. It's an advanced wire weaving tutorial I am a bit intimidated by :(


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