Peek at my Week (June 7-13)

I hope you're looking to find some beauty in each day. It almost feels like it's getting harder to find the good. But, I'm sure that's just a mood for me right now, and tomorrow will look a little brighter. Let's take a peek at my week. 
As Tropical Storm Cristobal worked its way through our area, we watched the rain fall for hours! It was a wet weekend. 

Some of the weather carried into the beginning of the week, but it finally cleared up. I worked on getting some earrings made for the Etsy shop since I had noticed a real lack of them. When the sun was finally out some on Tuesday, I snapped pictures in the craft room (it was still too windy with chances of rain to risk heading outside with all my gear.)

With unpredictable weather, I was able to stay inside and create for a few days. By Wednesday, I was playing around with the eco-dyed papers I had made along with some interesting image transfer skins.
However, that was as far as I got with those because I just couldn't make a decision.

Besides, it was pretty outside! I took a little walk around the property and found an amazing array of mushrooms. I couldn't help but take a dozen or more pictures. Here's just a few.
I'm sure dampness from all the rain had something to do with the abundance. 

On Thursday, I felt plenty productive as I knocked loads of to-dos off my list. I even had a few beads on my desk!
All that screeched to a halt when the dog lost her mind while the exterminator was outside. She knocked me onto my knee and I spent a few hours icing it. (It seems to be fine, just a little sore.)

I was able to get most of my housecleaning done on Friday even with the sore knee. So, I had to forgive her. I mean, how could you not?

My best friend and my Goddaughter came over on Saturday afternoon for a swim. Once they left, we delved into watching Artemis Fowl on Disney +.
It was a fine movie...but as a fan of the books, it just didn't hit all the right notes for me. 

I had some ups and downs with my #the100DayProject as well over the week as I missed a couple days and wasn't exactly thrilled with all my results. I'll let you be the judge.
I like Day 62's fine. I had to use some of my handmade stamps, and that's never a problem. 

On Day 63, I was to use some of the "nice" paints I have stashed away and hidden. The components of this page are just could be better. 

The above spread was created for Days 64 and 65. I need to use an old recipe card (I have a box of them!) and some acrylic inks. I struggled my way through this, trying new techniques. And, I finally came up with something I like. 

The task for Day 66 was to trace stencils. I was soooooo unmotivated by this one at first. But, when it hit me that I could use watercolor pencils and crayons, I found my groove. As the knee injury came while I was working on this page, I kept it fairly simple.

Letter stickers and lace needed to go into this spread for Days 67 & 68. They made it onto the page, but it's those areas that bother me the most. I'm still trying to decide if I can fix it.

I did find plenty of inspiration and beauty to share with y'all:

I've seen so much hate online lately, that I feel like I'm getting sucked up into it. All I want to do is spread feelings of love, acceptance, and inspiration. I just want to see people respect one another and am doing my best to do the same. I hope you're surrounded by love and beauty this week!


  1. Ice and stretch your knee - take care. Sonal's sketchbook is fabulous. I started using a new sketchbook 2 days ago. I am sure that I am going to fill it with some flowers now.

    1. Divya, Thanks for the advice. I've been using the leg, but trying to keep from overdoing it too. So far, so good! I do hope you'll share some of you sketchbook adventures. I'm glad you found inspiration.

  2. I wish I could create something every day but I often only have some time after supper :) I've said that before how I admire your commitment to the 100-day project. I know I can skip a day or two or even more but I won't be comfortable with it.

  3. I love your Peek at My Week posts - so fun to see a variety of things. I love the mushroom photos, and the picture of your dog looks almost like a painting. I think it's all those beautiful brown tones. I couldn't stay angry either!

    1. Ann, Thank you. I missed getting a post made this past week. Sunday got away from me since I went to visit my mom and step-father for Father's day. And, I didn't really have a lot to share from the week. They're all starting to run together. But, I'm staying safe. The picture of Zoe is a bit fuzzy (that may be the painting effect you mentioned) because I had to zoom in a bit to get the shot I wanted. Thank you for peeking in!


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Winding down the 100DayProject

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