June Challenges and Inspirations

If you're looking for a little extra inspiration in the form of an art challenge, you've come to the right place. Below you'll find my roundup of those for the month of June.

  • Already underway is the Index-Card-a-Day (ICAD) challenge from Daisy Yellow. It's a mixed media art challenge that's carried out on...index cards! (or some similar substrate) Prompts are provided for each day if you want to use them, but there's no requirement that you do.  There's still plenty of time to catch up or start now. You can find all the info in the link above. 
  • You also still have time for Art Journey #4 at Art Bead Scene. The theme for this one is Alphonse Mucha's Precious Stones and the deadline is June 19th. Remember that your contribution must contain an art bead.
  • At SJ Designs Jewelry, you'll find the inspiration photo for June's Honey Do List. The reveal date for your jewelry design(s) is June 22. 
  • Summer Solstice is June's theme at Art Elements. The theme is open to interpretation in any medium and can be submitted at any time during the month on the Community Facebook page. Read all the information on their page. 
Right now, that's all I've been able to find for the month. It's plenty to keep me busy, but if you know of any others, please don't hesitate to let me know. I could use some distraction. 


  1. Just the post I was looking for as I can never keep track of dates. thanks for the reminder.

    1. You're very welcome! Honestly, I think that's why I started making these posts. I wanted a central place where the links and basic themes of each of these was located. So, I created it! It makes me happy to know you find value in it as well! Thank you.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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