Inspiration Flowers from Art Elements

The Art Elements theme for this month is flowers. Marsha Neal issued the challenge with the additional request of showing what's blooming in our area. I have to admit that in Alabama this time of the year, there's not much in bloom other than weeds and wildflowers. Most of our flowers bloom in the spring. I did snap a few shots though. 
The crepe myrtles and hydrangeas are plentiful, but that's it for the local flowers as far as I know. My five acres are covered with plants but there are hardly any flowers. It's just too hot.

I didn't let the heat sway me from being inspired. I had several ideas but couldn't quite get focused to finish anything until I spied a small flower-shaped poppy tin on one of my shelves. It was easy enough to add loops at the bottom and top. I even created a quick tutorial to show you how easy it is to add loops to the tin.

From there, it was just a matter of adding a few dangles from the bottom and creating a chain from which to hang the tin.

I know that this necklace just barely ekes by on the inspired-by-flowers bar, but I really do dig it.

While in the process of making the necklace, another idea struck me: an assemblage flower. I began by painting a scrap piece of wood with gesso. I pulled out some of my junk collection looking for a way to make a flower on the wood, but nothing sung out to me. After a little thought, I was struck with the idea of using buttons. It was a little slow going at first, but once I got started, there was no going back.
It might not look like much to anyone else, but I see a daisy form, and I love it.

I'm not sure if there's more pure button assemblage in my future, but I had so much fun with this one that I hope there is.

I hate that my contributions to this challenge are so small, but I like that I'm getting a little more creative in the last few weeks.

Make sure to check out the other participants in this challenge to see what they did with such a beautiful inspiration.

Art Elements Team:
CarolineCathyClaireJennyLaney, Lesley, MarshaSusan


  1. The little tin works so well as a necklace, and your button flower looks beautiful

    1. Jill, Thank you! I can't understand what took me so long to turn that tin into a necklace because it just fell together once I began. I guess I was waiting for this challenge. And, I'm glad you like the button assemblage too. That's been waiting in the back of my head for far too long!

  2. I love the tin necklace! Not only because I love poppies, but the whole combination of tin, beads on the chain and a dangle. You make me want to go and look for tins myself!

    1. Cat, Aw, thank you! Let me warn you that collecting tins can become addictive. I have loads of larger ones to be cut down but it's harder to find smaller ones like this. I love that the image on it was perfect for this challenge and for a necklace. Yay!

  3. I love the chain that you created for your poppy tin. Very cute necklace!

    1. Kathy, thank you! It means so much to me that you like what I created.

  4. Wow, the necklace is gorgeous! What a find (I mean the tin)! The button project fits the theme perfectly (I have something similar in mind for my personal challenge and now I know it's going to work)!

  5. Thank you for participating in the blog hop this month Hope! I love that you went out and found some wildflowers in bloom around where you are (it is SO hot right now!). That vintage poppy tin is so cool and you've got a great eye for pulling color into your design. And that you took the time to just really enjoy your creativity with that button piece shows what a great thing being able to sit and create art from objects around you is what it is all about! Your post is perfect and I look forward to seeing you hop in on more of them :)

    1. Marsha, thank YOU for offering up such an awesome inspiration! I hate that I jumped in so late, so I appreciate you including me. Your compliment about my eye for color makes me blush. I tried to keep the chain simple to make sure the tin was the real focal. It's easy to go overboard sometimes with the beads in the chain. And, I'm beyond thrilled that I used a small portion of my button hoard for this project. There may be more to come. And, I'm sure I'll hop on more of these challenges! Thanks again!

  6. Oh my! I adore that cute little poppy tin and the necklace is so fun. I really love the idea of using all buttons for the flower assemblage. It makes such a dramatic statement.

    1. Cathy, I hope I did the poppy tin justice. It was definitely a special find, and I'm glad I put it to use at long last. I fretted over that button assemblage far too long, starting with a full rainbow of colors that just wouldn't work. However, once I layered the buttons on top of one another for this one, it worked out much better. I think I have the technique down a bit more and may venture to make more in the future - especially when the inspiration lends itself to it.

  7. Hope, I love your necklace, it even reminds me of Christmas colors! And attaching that loop .... wow, resourceful thinking. Alysen

    1. Alysen, I actually thought about adding some green to the chain (from the tin), but was afraid it would indeed come off too Christmas-y. So, I restrained myself to make sure it's something that can be worn any time of the year. The loops are pretty easy, I almost feel guilty for posting a tutorial, but sometimes the simplest skills can cause the most puzzling over. So, I made sure to include it for those who have little tins in their stash that need to be used! Thanks so much for your kind comment.

  8. What a great necklace design... I love little tins and that's a great way to use them! Love the button piece too!

    1. Caroline, Thank you! I love tins in all shapes and sizes, but was so happy to have discovered that one in my stash. It worked perfectly. I appreciate you taking the time to take a peek at my creations.

  9. Oh the poppy tin is wonderful! Are you going to add things inside? Nice video, BTW. The button mosaic is very shabby chic - and looks like LOTS of work - great idea! Thanks for joining us!

    1. Jenny, Thank you so much! I considered altering the inside of the tin somehow as well, but decided against it so that the wearer can use it any way they see fit. It might be good for medicine or lucky charms or a scented cloth or something like that. But, I may think on it. As for the daisy, it really was much easier than I thought. It just took a little patience. And, shabby chic is definitely my style. I actually went with the more subdued colors so it would go with my own decor. Ha. Thanks again!

  10. Cute tin necklace, Hope! And I do see a daisy! Great idea!

  11. I'm just loving your tin necklace! What an adorable little tin you were so lucky to have for this!! I want there to be secret treasures blooming inside. Your button piece is just adorable too. Nice work!

    1. Sarajo, Yay! Thank you. I really did consider putting something in the tin, and may still, but may just leave it as is for the wearer to use it as they wish. Now that the hubs says he's going to start giving more of his scrap wood, I may have more assemblage pieces in my future. I'm kinda excited about that. Yay!

    2. Such a cute necklace! Really like it’s colors too. Your button daisy is very clever, and a great bit of whimsy.

    3. I love how you see things and repurpose them into such amazing pieces. The necklace is fabulous and the button flower is a great interpretation. I also didn't expect to find many flowers in the heat of July but was surprised to notice how well the container gardens in my area were doing.

    4. Tammy, Thank you! I love to make the most of the unexpected and forgotten. I should have looked for more container gardens I guess. Every bloom I saw was crepe myrtle for the most part. I think we have more blooms in the winter than the summer. I'll have to keep an eye out though, now. Thanks for stopping in!

    5. Michelle, Thanks so much! It was a lot of fun to create these two pieces. The hard part is making myself make items like them when I don't have a challenge urging me on. :)

  12. I just love that poppy tin, and what you did with it! Super cute!

    1. Melissa, Thanks so much! I'm quite happy with how it turned out as well. It makes me smile to know that you like the results.


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