Peek at my Weeks: August 5-18

I've got two weeks worth of peeks for you since last week went a little wonky on me.

We went to the local waterpark, Waterville USA, with several friends and one of our nieces. It was a first for myself and my niece.

While the waterpark was fun and all, it was so nice to come back to our own oasis and grill some burgers (that's the cause of all the smoke).

On Instagram, I shared a few peeks at what I've been creating.

I've been trying to work through some of the components I created for The 100 Day Project and incorporate them into finished pieces of jewelry.

I've also been playing a little with the backgrounds for my product photography. 

This is especially true for Instagram photos (since Etsy photos were already taken.)

While out running around, this anomaly caught my eye.
I mean....why?

But, to balance it out I got to take in the beauty of the roses my step-dad gave my mom for their anniversary. 

And, there was this beauty of a mushroom that I captured while absent-mindedly perched over an ant bed. OUCH! I guess it was a week of finding balances. 

To start the next week, I began working on cleaning out our pop-up camper for an upcoming trip.
I moved all the cushions outside to air out and clean.

Next up is tackling the mildew that's developed from letting the camper sit for FAR TOO LONG. ICK!!!! We spent most of yesterday trying to find a product that would work on it. And, I think we found it. That's today's project. 

I worked on a design that came to me in a dream. Alas, it didn't pan out as envisioned. But, I may try a more simple shape at a later time.

Like I said, there's definitely been a lot of trying to find balance. The past few weeks have felt like everything's gone wrong. So, I made sure to put a little win in the week with one of my favorite comfort foods. 

This mac-n-cheese recipe is one of my favorites. I like to throw frozen peas in with the boiling pasta and cook up some smoked sausage before making the roux. 
Once it's all baked together, it makes it a complete meal!

This flowering weedy vine reminded me of the past two weeks. I'm no fan of the vines taking over the property, but the persistence and beauty of this one insisted on being admired. 

My mood the past several weeks has been pretty low, but I've let it run its course and hope to find some beauty of its own in the end. 

With that being said, here's some inspiration for your week ahead.

Here's hoping you find loads more inspiration this week and create something amazing!


  1. That's the swimming pool of your house? Wow!! It looks like a park with all those trees in the background. Your wire earrings remind me of my dozen odd wire wrapping attempts hidden away in some drawer. What seems simple in our heads, sometimes is very complicated in real life.

    1. Yes, that's at our house. We've very lucky to be on five acres of land with lots of tress for privacy. We love it! I'm glad I'm not the only one who's struggled with an envisioned design. I may try another version of the idea with some other materials later, but I was so discouraged at how that one was turning out that I had to just put it away. But, if I didn't try, I wouldn't know. So, it was a learning experience all in all.

  2. I'd prefer your pool to the water park, really! I keep my doomed projects in sight on my working table so that I never forget about them. It's annoying but sometimes for the better! So, keep trying! That everyday object art is hilarious! As for the anomaly - crooked sense of humor??? Looks sinister and trashy!

    1. Rosantia, I prefer it too! Too many people make me a little crazy. I've already disposed of the disaster, I don't have near enough room on my desk for all my mistakes! Ha! Yeah, that head on the truck surprised me. It definitely startled me a little.


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Winding down the 100DayProject

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