New Year

How's your new year going? Well, I hope!
First Silverlox Sunrise of 2018
I usually write up something about my goals or resolutions or word for the year by the first, but this year I couldn't decide on something concrete to focus on. 

In the grand scheme of things, I simply want to be a better me. I want to do the things I know I should: eat better, plan better, exercise more, get shit done. 
Stocking the Bead Box with items from my Inspiration Jar to make some new jewelry.

We're only a few days into 2018, and I'm not kicking butt at these aspirations yet, but I'm okay with that. I'm trying to remember that each day, each hour, each minute is a new opportunity to start again. And, if you don't mess up, you don't get the chance to really learn.
My first (failed) attempts and trying out the enameling kit I got for Christmas.
So, learning I am. But, I still hope to get some shit done.
How about you? What are your goals for 2018?


  1. Enameling? Cool! You can start making your own components, go for it! I am behind on my plans for 2018 already, ha-ha, but I had quite a lot to sum up and vaguely outlined some resolutions :) By the way, one of my resolutions was influenced by your 100 earrings project, so I want to thank you for that and for all the inspiration I find in your blog (and those of other jewelry makers and artisans)!

  2. Just like you, I can't really focus on an exact resolution this year, but I keep going back to the word, "discipline." It isn't a comfortable word, but it carries the meaning of what I need to do this year. Buckle down and get things done! Happy New Year to you!

  3. I have yet to set all my goals for this year. I need to get on it. For your first try at enameling, it came out pretty good. I am sure you will have it mastered in no time. Can not wait to see the progress you make. I hope that 2018 is amazing for you hun.

  4. You still have a whole year ahead of you Hope! I works better for me to make short term goals as I go along, taking it day by day. I have always wanted to try enameling! Practice makes perfect. I actually think your "failed" attempts look cool! They have a rustic vibe.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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