New Jewelry Tools, Member of the Family, and Giveaway Winner

Hello all!!
I've got a variety of subjects to touch on today. The first is a touchy one for me. I'm excited about the new jewelry tools I got for Christmas, but sharing them always makes me feel like I'm showing off or something. That's entirely not my intent. I just like to show you what I'm working with now. So here's a quick collage.
Left to right, top row: An enameling kit, bezeling tools, & Euro Punch
Bottom row: Levered Disc Cutter, Dimpling Pliers, and Leuchtturm1917 journal (for bullet journaling)

I've messed around with all of these, you can see proof of that on Instagram

Other than the new tools, we have another addition to our house. Yesterday, this cutie joined the family!
I've always loved orange tabbies, but this one is a rare female. We're fairly sure we've settled on the name Leeloo (from The Fifth Element (movie)). 

Now, for the winner of my Romantic Christmas Ornament...
Mischelle, I'll be contacting you to get your info so I can send you your ornament. Thanks to all of you who played along. 

I hope each and every one of you had a wonderful Christmas and a fantabulous New Year! I'm looking forward to what's to come and love having you along for the ride. Let me know what's new in your world!


  1. You got so many great tools to play with! Enjoy! Leeloo is super cute!!!

  2. While you might feel that you're bragging, I feel like you are educating me. What do the Euro power punch, the levered disk cutters, and the dimpling pliers do? I look forward to seeing posts about how you've used them!!


    1. Pezz, The Euro punch is basically like an industrial hole punch for metal and has several different interchangeable sizes. The disc cutter does kinda the same thing, but you have to use a hammer to punch the metal out. The dimpling pliers put little decorative lumps in metal. I'll have to show you how they all work when you come over next time! But, good point in not knowing how they work. I'll have to figure out how to share that info. Thanks for pointing that out!!

  3. Looks like lots of fun in your future! Both with creating and with kitty Leeloo! Happy New Year Hope!

  4. The dimpling pliers are something I have been wanting. I look forward to seeing what you do with it. Your kitty is the very best gift. What a beauty and she looks sweet.

    1. Kathy, Yes! The dimpling pliers were totally something I wanted to play with. I have to say, I've probably not used them YET as much as I thought I would. but, I'm still learning on the other tools still. I'm looking forward to getting more into them very soon. Of course, the kitty is keeping me plenty busy for the time being. She is very sweet and PLAYFUL! I forgot how active kittens are.

  5. Oh wow... Thank you so much Hope! I so can not wait to display the ornament.. It will be up all year round. I love your tools. I really like how the enameling you did came out. I really want a disc cutter and the dimpling tools. Have fun with the toys and give Leeloo some hugs...

  6. We all show our new "toys" because we want to share our happiness with the community and, yes, we learn from each other about new tools and their uses. Congratulations! Have fun!

  7. Happy New Year! Congratulations on the gifts. I cannot wait to see them in use. What a cutie little Leeloo is! Fun to watch her grow!

    1. Candy, Thank you! I can't wait to get a little more time to play with my new tools or with Leeloo. But, time never slows down does it? We just have to make the most of what we have. I hope to share some pictures of how I'm using the tools soon (when I have the time. HA!!)
      Thanks for popping in!

  8. Neat tools and adorable kitty ❤️


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