Currently I'm....

Creating a batch of Thank You cards for my Etsy orders since I just used my last one. 

Watching Leeloo run around the bedroom and craft room in full play mode. Catching her still is kinda hard, hence the blur. Her current favorite toy is a balled-up piece of paper (that's what's in her mouth.)

Listing these super cute Red Tin Heart Earrings!

Needing to take care of a few more tasks for my Mardi Gras ball this weekend. 

Feeling a little chilly since it "snowed" last night.

Hoping everyone stays safe on the icy roads.

Baking these Cinnamon Banana Bread Muffins from Together as a Family to warm up the house a little. As a bonus, breakfast for tomorrow will be ready! I'm also about to throw a roast in the crockpot so dinner will be done too.

Looking forward to working on making some jewelry today. My tools are ready and waiting!

So, what are you up to?


  1. I just adore those thank you cards! Those are so pretty and of course your new kitty is just precious! I admit that I've not been up to much. We had a snow day off from school yesterday and I did nothing but binge watch some Netflix. I have another day off today with no clue what to do. I don't want to go out, that's for sure. It's way too cold, but if I don't get to the supermarket, we won't have anything for dinner tonight.

    1. Lorraine, Thank you! Sometimes I just have to pull out the paper and glue and just play! I didn't leave the house yesterday either and am kinda relieved that I already did my grocery shopping. However, I'm supposed to be in Mobile tonight for a Ball Prep thing. I'm hoping the roads are better for travel by then! Here's hoping you make it out of the cave for your hunting and gathering expedition! ;) Stay warm!!

  2. Just like you, I have many things on my work bench but nothing to show off yet :) I am so envious about the thank you cards - I've been thinking of at least embellishing some blanks but never came around to it actually. I am re-working a custom order for the 4th time and feel frustrated but, hopefully, it will be the last. Oh, and we have friends visiting, so no crafting for a couple of days. Which is good for clearing your head and letting new ideas in :)

  3. What happy things! Thanks so much for sharing! I love the cards you made, and the new kitty, and, well, everything! This month has been really hard for me so far, so I greatly appreciated seeing some happiness. <3

  4. Your thank you cards are adorable. Leeloo is too funny. Balled paper? She sounds easy to please. Your snow photo makes me laugh since we got quite a bit of shovelable white stuff up here. The roads are an icy snowy mess right now. Is the Orphan Keeper a good read? I saw it pop up last time I was downloading a book from the library but this one was all checked out so I couldn't get it.

  5. I love the cards... Especially the one that came in my package. I have been so sick I have not blogged yet, but I do want to say thank you for the wonderful package. I have nothing on my table yet, because of this flu, but I will in a day or so.

  6. I love the thank you cards that you made. I do make thank you cards at times but they never turn out so pretty. I would love to know about your process

    1. Divya, Thanks so much! These are seriously some thrown together recycling cards. I thought about making a process video, but was almost done with them by then. But, I may reconsider it since there's so much interest in them. They're just blank postcards that I happened upon at the thrift store ages ago (it was a BIG box!). I stamped the sentiment in the middle; formed a frame by collaging scrap paper, stickers, and whatnot; stenciled with acrylic paint, then added a few highlights with pens and other art supplies. I might just have to make a video now! When I write it out, it sounds way more complicated than it was. Thanks again for your kind words!

  7. Fun stuff going on at your place! love the new tools.... and that cute new helper of yours

  8. sigh. what is up with Blogger these days? I can never tell if it is going to post as it spins and thinks. Not sure that my comment posted? But suffice it to say that it was about that cute new little helper of yours

  9. Looks like a good book. I want those earrings so bad!! Due to the government shutdown who knows when payday will come again. At least we own our home, but who doesn’t have bills.? Feeling sad for the ones with families to feed and mortgage payments. Ughh...


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