2016 Christmas Gifts

My Christmas Gift post from last year was so popular, that I figure I better share the awesomeness that I received this year as well.

My main big-ticket item was a sewing machine!
This Singer Heavy Duty Sewing Machine that will replace my old machine that had some bobbin issues neither Pat nor I could figure out how to fix. It was an issue that rendered the machine useless unfortunately and made it hard for me to learn to sew better. I'm looking forward to creating lots with it and have already started. I'll be sharing something soon I hope!

Pat also gifted me these bracelet bending pliers.
They make it easier to bend metal pieces into a curve to fit wrists better. Clever, right?

In addition, the big surprise was this Wanderlust 2017 membership from Everything Art.
It's a year-long mixed media art class membership. I'm smitten with it so far, and there's only been one class! Hopefully, I'll share some of my creations before too long. We'll see. I love this gift as it's one that will keep giving all year long!

Finally, my mom got me a bit teary-eyed with her gift.
Check out the Victrola Turntable and albums. The sentimental part of it was the records. She gave me a selection of nine of my most favorite albums from the collection I grew up listening to. As an added bonus, I had free access to the rest of her collection to pull out some other best-loved ones. I was listening to them before we ever left her house!

So that was my Christmas. How about you? Get anything good?


  1. What a fun Christmas!! Lots of toys to play with! HH gave me a new lap top which is awesome but lots of changes :) Have fun!

  2. Wow, you had a fun Christmas Hope! Lots of toys, have fun playing!

    1. Jenna, I did. I always feel a little spoiled no matter what. Thanks so much for popping in! :)

  3. I second Jenna's comment! Have fun!

  4. what a fantastic Christmas! I am forever having issues with the bobbin. I have an old Singer that goes backwards, and forwards. One would think that there would be very little that could go wrong if there is very few directions the thing can do, but alas .... it is always in a tangle. sigh. Someday I may have to break down and buy one. Although I might have to get one of those industrial ones so I can return to upholstery. But then I will need my hydraulic stapler. Someday

  5. Your gifts rock! The bracelet bending pliers look like a great tool, I didn't know there were any! I'm sure you felt like a kid on Christmas morning :) I didn't get anything hobby-related but that's OK - I buy more tools and materials throughout the year than stuff for myself!

  6. You must have been a very good girl this year!

  7. Awesome gifts! I had bobbin issues with the sewing machine too before really learning to be good at sewing. I no longer have that machine but hope to get a new one someday and give it a try again. Those pliers are so cool! What an amazing gift from your mom. I can see she has great taste in music. There is nothing like the sound of records. My hubby and I don't do gifts. However this year I had a book made with photos of us getting married as well as memories of our relationship thus far. There were tears. :)


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