Currently I'm. . .

Cooking. . . Nothing tonight since I'll be away from home for a few hours. But I do have a full meal plan including this broccoli, cheese, and potato soup for tomorrow night, spicy black bean burgers on Saturday, and grilled pork chops on Sunday. Quick question: Are y'all interested in me sharing my meal plans again? I noticed those posts weren't getting much attention so I stopped. Let me know as I still plan every week's meals.

Creating. . . Some altered playing cards for a swap.
Here's a little blurred peek at the cards. (I don't want to ruin the reveal for my swap partner)

Drinking. . . Coffee, so I can function.

Eating. . .Nothing at the moment, but I am contemplating an everything bagel with avocado on it (though my menu dictates that I should make a smoothie.)
I gave in. . .The avocado was a little icky, but I got out what I could. It was delish!

Enjoying. . . A little more order and routine in my life now that the move is over, and I can get everyday tasks accomplished.

Finding. . .The magic of our new place unbelievable and awesome as we keep discovering new treasures.
Pat unearthed a 4x4 pole that had this odd metal ball and spike on it. I have no idea the purpose, but the patina totally catches my eye!

Hoping. . . The other house sells soon so we can really focus in on making this one ours.

Knowing. . . I have to have patience, the right buyer will come.

Listing. . .This lovely, romantic keyhole necklace
Blue-green Brass Keyhole Necklace

Making. . . A video of my process for the altered playing cards. (Though I'm still working on editing the video of the last set of cards I made.)

Marveling. . . Over the little things
I'm always distracted and mesmerized by dewdrops or water on leaves.

Needing. . . To really think about my business of being a jewelry-maker and make some decisions. Basically, I need to FOCUS.

Playing. . . Too many games on my phone. I really could be spending that time promoting my business, communicating with others, brainstorming designs or blog posts or whatever. Instead, I go brain-dead and mindlessly play puzzle games. GAH!

Reading. .. Nothing at the moment. Despite Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets sitting on my bedside table, I can't seem to pick it up (no worries, I have read it a few times already). I really should get to the library and find me something new. Any recommendations?

Relishing. . . In this living in the country thing, I think.
How cool is that oak tree rising from and above our little bamboo jungle?

Thinking. . . I really should plan something for my 40th birthday next week or I'll be disappointed I didn't. However, I have no idea how I want to celebrate it and would really rather someone else plan it for me. (I'm so very lazy.)

Wanting. . . It to stay warm longer so we can enjoy the pool. Alas, I think the temps have dropped too far to keep that hope alive.

Wearing. . . Warmer clothes today as even the air is a little chilly this morning.

Wishing. . . There was more time in each day. (Do I always wish for that in these posts?)


  1. You covered a lot of things in that post! What caught my eye? That fabulous metal ball that you dug up! I can't wait to see what you do with it!! Could it have been part of a weathervane?

    1. Judy, Yeah. . .this type of post lets me get out a lot of what's going on in one fell swoop. Yes, that metal ball thing is so cool. It really could have been anything. The post itself was placed vertically so one end was in the ground (like a fence post) so the ball and stake were just sticking out from it at a 90 degree angle. Of course, I think they just stuck it there as decoration despite what it was in a former life! The patina gets me and now I have to figure out what I want it to be now. :)
      Thanks for taking a look.

  2. Sounds like you are moving along in the right direction...I think the pole with the ball on it may be a grounding ball for a lightening rod from the ole days....some balls are metal and others are glass.

    1. Veralynne,
      That's an interesting idea about the grounding ball. I'll have to look it up for sure. Thanks for the suggestion! :)

  3. Love the necklace! And since I hate guacamole, I always thought I'd hate avocado. But I put it on a bagel with a thin slice of good cheese and a tomato, put under the broiler til the cheese melted, added sea salt -- heaven!

  4. I just loved the format of this post. It would be a great idea for idea for a month weekly, or monthly, post. It would be a window to the past.

  5. Oh and a great way to read and concentrate on business is audiobooks. I am addicted to them and podcast. I get them through the library.

  6. I always enjoy these types of posts!! And I can totally relate to the 'playing' portion of this. I think I escape to an app sometimes just to escape! :) Hope your old house sells soon.


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