Our New Home | Pool and Property

Over a month ago I shared a look at the inside of our new home. I guess it's time that I show you some of the FIVE ACRES we also bought, including the pool area. He're what I was able to capture on camera the other day first thing in the morning (the lighting was weird so the pictures are a little odd, but I think you'll get the idea). Of course, I also filmed a video if you'd rather just go to the bottom of the page and watch that. This is a little picture heavy, bear with me. I'm excited to show you some of my new space.
The view off the back porch. Pat's already cleared away a bunch of the vines and overgrowth that had been covering that fence.
Also from the back porch you can see this shed. Again, the fence was covered in jasmine that we are slowly working on clearing out.
Taking a left off the porch, there's this little walkway to the pool, and a nice grouping of  banana trees and split-leaf philodendron. 
On the other side of the banana trees is this little area. We've decided to make it a fire-pit area since we found that fire pit in some weeds.
THIS is our pool!! It's kinda large and goes to 8 feet deep. It's also well-shaded which makes for quite chilly water. It'll be perfect during this sweltering Alabama Julys!
Okay, so back in the fire-pit are is this arbor (that was covered in air potato vines- eek!) and a few lampposts. It seriously feels like Narnia out here!
Out past the lampposts is this open area where we plan to plant our garden. You can see the light on the other side of the trees in the back, that's where out property ends and a large farm begins.
Next to the open area is this wide path that cuts through an area of bamboo and the back of the 'backyard'.
The path also cuts behind this pole barn. My husband says it's in better shape than it looks.
The pole barn hold all kinds of stuff that was left on the property - some treasures and some not so much.
Circling back toward the house is this basketball goal covered in overgrowth, I think it really speaks of the rustic nature of our new home.
I'm completely smitten with the variety of plants and flowers we have all over the property (with the exception of the air potato and jasmine). We joke that we've got one of everything. Take a look:
There are tons of gardenia bushes - it's a good thing I love them so!
As well, there are hydrangeas scattered across the property. I actually found this tiny bloom on one of them.
For the most part though, the majority of our hydrangeas look like this right now.
The previous owner had planted some mums. This is one small bunch like you would get in front of the grocery store. However, it's blooming. I don't mind!
In addition to lots of pine trees, we also have a few large oaks. This large, majestic one sits toward the back of the property.
There are beauty berry bushes scattered all over. I adore the color of the berries. Isn't it divine?
Elephant ears are mixed in with all the other plants. These are right outside the pool gate, giving that area an even more lush feel.
Also near the pool are several palms. This is the biggest of the bunch.
We've even discovered a few citrus trees. Though, this lime is the only fruit I've found on them. We think the other plant is an orange. I can't wait to find out for sure!
And that's just a partial look at the property, I didn't take you to the front of the house or the way back. I mentioned that it feels like Narnia out here but we're now joking that it's more like the Room of Requirement from Harry Potter. We've found some many cool items on the property, some we had recently mentioned we needed - like the fire pit. I plan on sharing a bit of a peek at some of the cool items we've discovered, but that's for another time. For now, here's my video tour.

I do apologize for making y'all wait so long for this reveal. It's been a ton of work trying to catch up and unpack and manage the property and enjoy the pool and excuses, excuses, blah, blah, blah. I do hope you understand.


  1. Woah! I didn't realize you have 5 acres. Those lamp posts really make it look like Narnia. lol. Looks like a lot of work, but totally worth it. Have you sold the Fairhope house yet?

    1. Lorraine, Yeah. We were originally just looking for property; five acres or more. However, we couldn't find anything with the mature trees I wanted (everything was saplings or clear cut) When we found this place, we were sold on the place before we ever saw the inside of the house. It's definitely a lot of work, but we kinda want to be closer to the land. As for the Fairhope house, no. . .no bites yet. Keeping our fingers crossed!

  2. WOW..beautiful! So much room! I am so glad for you all. It is going to be joy for a long time, I am sure!

    1. Veralynne, Thank you! Yes, when we bought this place, we knew it would be our 'forever home'. It's got so much of what we want in a place (It's only lacking waterfront, ha!). It will be a work in progress for a while, but I'm still focused on trying to get us unpacked. That seems to be taking FOREVER! Thanks again for dropping in.

  3. An amazing piece of land! You are lucky to have found such lush vegetation.

    1. Kathy, Aw, thanks! Yes, we were lucky to have found this slice of heaven. I wanted lots of shade but then with an open place for a garden. This is exactly it, and it's still in an area of the county we want to be and not out in the boonies! We lucked up for sure. Thanks for taking the time to check it out,

  4. What an awesome piece of property. I'd be transforming that pole barn into a work shop for myself. :-)

  5. You have a large amount of property. You will enjoy all the space and privacy. Love your citrus tree, whatever it is. I haven't heard the term, pole barn used before but I could enjoy a place to work and store things away from the house.
    Now, I'm off to look at the house. Somehow I missed that.

  6. It's beautiful. Looks a lot like the property where I teach yoga. They have been using a special beetle to get rid of the air potatoes. I will find out more and send you infornation.

    1. Andrea, Oh, I've really got to learn some yoga (property - not the Wii stuff I've done before) as I bet it would be so relaxing and centering to get up and do it outside. I'd LOVE to hear more about this magic beetle ;) We'd never seen/heard of air potato until we started looking at the property and did some research to find out what this vine was that covered the property. In this area, kudzu is the most prolific vine, so air potato was something new. We've just been pulling it up as best we can and plan to burn it! Definitely let me know. Thanks!!

  7. What a fabulous property Hope, so many things to discover and explore! I would love to know the history of that pole barn, lots of history there I bet~ your pool is gorgeous, and the fire pit area too, I can see you enjoying lots of parties in your great outdoor spaces~

    1. Jenna, Thank you. We are so happy with it! As for the pole barn. Who knows. We can tell that the previous owner's husband did some woodworking as there are a few handmade wood toys in there (and some of the supplies to make them). However, there's also some other equipment we don't recognize at all. I can't wait to have a big gathering out here, but we don't yet have enough seating for that. Hopefully once the other house sells, we can start accumulating and/or building some chairs or something like that. Thanks so much for taking a peek at our new oasis!

  8. Your place is so cool...definitely a place with a history. It's sort of sad though, all of the "forgotten" treasures and junk that you've found. It is obvious that this yard was planted and tended at one time by a lover of the outdoors. What a wonderful variety of green stuff! Can't wait to see pics after you and Pat work your magic on it all. Thanks for sharing your new place with us!

    1. Judy, Oh, we've heard that it was a showplace at one time. The listing realtor said she grew up with the kids that lived here and the yard was AMAZING back in the day. We'll get it there too. We just have to cut back some of the overgrowth and give it some time. I can't wait to see all the wisteria and azaleas in the spring. It should be a sight to behold!

  9. Awesome! So many hiding places! And romantic, too :)

  10. This is so fun! I really envy your new adventure. At my age, I just want someone to come do everything for me, but I can appreciate and remember what it was like to have that fire in the belly to find a diamond in the rough and make it over. Enjoy the journey!

  11. Hope ~ your new place looks mystical, magical, mysterious, and ronmantic! What a great place!!! How much fun is it to explore and work on it to make it your own?! Many Many happy years there for you and Pat!

  12. Thanks for this photo walk! I enjoy seeing your new place and I have to agree with Christine how mystical/magical etc.. it looks!!


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