Giveaway Winner and Menu Plan

Remember the milestone giveaway I mentioned a few weeks ago? Today's the day I pick a winner for this loot (and the other bits I've added to it since then!)

I listed all those who were interested in winning (a local friend wasn't) in order of their comment and used to select a random number from the list.

Here's the list.

Congrats Bead Addict, you've won some loot for your stash. I'll be sending out an e-mail to you shortly to get your info! Thanks to all of you for playing along. :)

With that taken care of, it's time for me to share what's on the menu.

Breakfasts: Smoothies, Cereal, Toast w/toppings (avocado, nut butter, or jelly), Yogurt w/granola, Omelets w/bacon, French toast

Lunches: Bean burritos, Simple sesame noodles, Leftovers, PB&J, Tuna noodles, Cheese quesidilla, Soup & grilled cheese

Kung Pao Tofu quinoa bowl with veggies (test recipe)
Homemade pizza w/salad
Grilled chicken w/sweet potatoes & roasted brussel sprouts

And that's about it for today. I hope you have a glorious week!!


  1. Dang, And I was even lucky number 7. Congrats Bead Addict & have fun for me playing with your new goodies :)

  2. hi Hope! I don't know why but this is the first post of yours I've gotten in my email for a while, sorry! My email tends to sort out more things than it should, like all my favorite blogs! Anyhoo, that is so great you did a giveaway, I just got asked to do one for a dishware company and I have to figure out the random generator thing...I might be contacting you for help :)

    1. Jenna- That is kinda weird. But, I've also not been posting much lately either. I am definitely available to help and it's way easier than you think! I'm glad you stopped in! :)

  3. Oh my goodness I've won :-) Thank you! What a nice surprise!


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