The Monster that Ate All My Time is Revealed (no worries; it's a fluffy, friendly monster)

Borrowing a line from the creepy robot/computer, GLaDOS, in Portal 2, "Oh, there you are."
Wait, that should be "Oh, here I am!"
I'd love to share some beautiful pictures of sandy beaches and frozen drinks as an explanation for my absence, but alas. . .no. I will explain that I recently took on a role with ZnetShows and have been working pretty hard to put out their first Glossi as well as make my own pieces for it and write up a bio to include in there as well. It's been a roller coaster ride, both scary and fun at the same time.

I was really happy with the pieces I made from the "Rings & Bling" challenge theme and thought I oughta share some of the other pictures I took of them for a better look.
These simple crystal and metal bow earrings are just too cute for words.

I'll admit that I hard a hard time with the skull chain, but I really love the patina I added to it.

The way these came together make me think of little fairies. . .three-legged fairies, but fairies nonetheless.

This bracelet is not really my usual style, but I still find it really cool. Maybe I need to re-make my usual style!

I worked forever on figuring out what to do with those little sea glass rings. I knew I wanted to alter them somehow and pouring resin into that one on the focal worked out just right.

These earrings were by far my favorite of the bunch. I'm not usually into making more elegant/evening wear pieces, but I love these. I especially like how the rings fit within one another so that they crisscross.
And, I just had to share another picture of them so you can see the luscious teal color a little better.

For more pictures of these as well as a whole bunch of other amazing designers' work, go check out Creative Spark and see what ate up so much of my time lately.
While I know I could have kept on editing it and editing it, I'm still pretty proud of how it turned out. Of course, not all the credit goes to me. There's a whole team of designers whose work and input really MADE the Glossi. Thanks to all of y'all! :)


  1. first the jewelry~love Love LOVE (like my word?!) the fairy and criss-cross earrings!!! the rest of the pieces are wonderful too, but those two pair...Oh. Yes.
    the glossi is fantastic~congrats on putting out something that special (with several of my favorite people it it)! looking forward to seeing another, and seeing the photos of the bead widowers. haha

  2. Hi Hope I just came from reading Creative Spark through Lisa's blog. I must say you did a fantastic job of bring everything together for an interesting read I do not usually read a magazine from cover to cover, but this one I did and learned a little bit more about the creative people I already follow, and the beautiful blingy eye candy was the icing on the cake. Yours and everyone else in the Znetshows design team, created some gorgeous pieces of jewelry. Well done to you and you whole team of designers. Now for the pieces here on your blog page everyone of your creations are beautiful, but my three favorite are the little fairy earrings, the evening attire earrings, and the dictionary type necklace. Oh and a big Roll Tide!, enjoy the game tomorrow.

  3. I am speechless! Wow!!!! You have come a long way! Love what you have made for them, and also the magazine :)

    Did they say I should contact their Social Media Manager, Mrs. Smitherman if I was interested in joining the team? Well, I am :)

  4. I really love those elegant hoop earrings!

  5. some really great designs here! and I agree those hoop earrings are awesome! LOVE them

    1. Cynthia- Oh, thank you! Yeah. . .those hoops. . .so simple, but so pretty. I'm glad you think so too. Thanks. :)

  6. I love the little bows and that skull chain is so cool! Great job on the patina too. And awesome job on the 1st issue! :-)

    1. Suzette, Thank you so much! Your support means a ton to me. I'm so pleased you were able to be a part of the first issue! I'm looking forward to working with you on more. :)

  7. Beautiful pieces! I'm so impressed that you got all these pieces done and still had time to put together this issue! Is this a permanent position for you? Headed off now to have a look at all the pretty things.

  8. The article turned out GREAT! I can't believe I just read through a "crafty" magazine...but it was really well done. I LOVE, LOVE the bow earrings and the skull necklace. So on trend, but still so you! :-)

    1. G, I'm glad you like the Glossi!! You know how much your opinion means to me. AND, that you like a couple of my designs in it means even more. YAY! Thank you for the vote of confidence. :)

  9. Yeah! you did great and there was more work here than anyone that isn't you would know! thanks for letting me be part of this new venture.

  10. Hope, you did an amazing job with the Glossi!! I love all of your beautiful designs!! What a great idea with the resin and glass ring, loving the sweet bow earrings and your elegant earrings - gorgeous!!


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