Thrift Store Scores: Buttons and Chandelier Crystals

When I get stuck for inspiration or bored with a current project I tend to go thrift store shopping. However, often it feels as if I am PULLED in the direction of the thrift stores rather than just wanting to go shopping. This was the case yesterday. I have something on my desk that I like, but I just wasn't feeling it. I was feeling a trip to the thrift stores and was being pulled in one direction in particular.

I'm SO GLAD I listed to that instinct.
One of my finds
I wound up scoring two jars of buttons and a baggie of miscellaneous chandelier crystals.

I wasn't having luck at the thrift stores so I headed over to a favorite antique mall. I kinda wish I had taken a picture when I walked in the door because there were over a dozen jars packed with buttons.
Most of the other jars were larger than this. I also think these were originally peanut butter and jelly jars (separately) and I find that so stinking funny.

All those jars were there when I walked in. By the time I walked out, so had several other people. . . all with jars of buttons!

Fortunately I got there first and had the best pick. I'm absolutely smitten with finding the jar of all Mother-of-pearl buttons. SMITTEN I say!
I know they're not all MOP, but the majority are!
A better look at the buttons from the PB jar. What a selection!

As well, I'm glad I didn't pass on the baggie of crystals. I almost did and would have regretted it once I got home. I just know it.

I felt the same pull to shop last week as well, pulling over at yet another antique mall. This one was much larger and took me much more time to locate what had called me there. I walked out with these beauties. (Sorry for the pictures, the light's not so great here in the morning.)
Rhinestone buttons and brass key holes

So it seems that my last few treasures haven't been found at thrift stores at all. The keys and first chandelier crystals were at a flea market/yard sale and these last two were at antique stores. Do I still call it thrifting? Is it antiquing? Is junking too vague a term? Whatever it is, I'm glad they my muse is leading me to find the scores that I want/need!

What great finds have you made recently?


  1. love all the buttons! and the crystals are fabulous-O!!! your finds excite me :-D

    you are the Crafty Huntress!

  2. Beautiful finds! I'm glad you listened. Try as I might to find goodies like this, our area is just pathetic for flea markets, antique shops, and thrift stores.

    I can't wait to see what you do with these beauties!

  3. I am very envious of your brass keyholes - so many exciting possibilities! And those rhinestone buttons, I spied a few in the peanut butter jar, too. Can a girl ever have enough?

  4. Love your finds Hope and your patience! Can't to see what you create!

  5. The diamond shaped key hole is my favorite of your finds.

  6. Backstory- Yes, I HAD to grab a few of those keyholes. I may go back for more. . they were in a display case with a few others. Yes, rhinestone buttons are hard to come by. There are a few in the PB jar. Unfortunately there are also a bunch of stones missing from those. Oh well. . .they're still super cool.

    Penny- Patience. . .me?! You must be mistaken! I've started on a bunch of simple button bracelets and am obsessed with them right now. I'll get to playing some more of my finds before too long! Thanks. :)

    JuLee- Don't you just love the key holes? I knew I had to have them when I spotted them. Like I said above, I may have to go back for some more now that I know where the vendor is!

  7. I don't know what thrift stores you are hitting up but I haven't found anything around here. Unless maybe you came in and bought it all first haha. I'm jealous

  8. Tiffany - Actually I was out your way a bit (in Foley) when I found these. I started at the Waterfront Rescue Mission and then the Salvation Army with no luck. I ended up finding these at the Old Armory Antique Mall. They weren't near as 'thrifty' as I had hoped but I was so excited to have found them! The button jars disappeared fast while I was in there actually. People were grabbing them up left and right! Best of luck on your next hunt!


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