Button Bracelet Overdose

It started innocently enough on Friday.

I thought I'd sort through some of my new buttons and maybe be productive at the same time. At first, it was just a few of them.

But it was so easy to do and so much fun that I thought a few more couldn't hurt.

Within twenty four hours I was out of control.

At the end of the weekend, the proof was undeniable.

I'm addicted to making button bracelets.

No intervention needed, I'll just be over here in the corner with my buttons and a smile on my face.
Seriously y'all. I spent the weekend (between celebrating my anniversary, watching football, and thrifting with the hubby) making over THIRTY button bracelets. I was obsessed. Now I'm not sure what I'll do with all of them yet, but I'm thinking the time was well spent.

Speaking of time well spent, if you've got a moment or two, I marked down a few items so they are now in the Sale section of the shop. And, these earrings were just listed. They're not buttons, but cool nonetheless.
Color Shock Earrings
Do you ever go off the deep end with a design/technique like I did this weekend? I need some reassurance (some smoothing of the hair and whispered 'shhhhh's) that it'll be all right.


  1. We've all been there - welcome to the sisterhood of the mildly obsessed! (and if it helps, add a "bless your heart" to the hair smoothing and whispered reassurances)

  2. I think we all go off the deep end with something once in a while! And, those bracelets are so cool! So, all's good, you'll be over it soon ;)!

  3. LOVE EM!!! I earmarked a tutorial on Pintrest a while back for button bracelets. I thought it would be a fun project for my daughters to do with me. I want to break out the bins and bins of buttons now, after seeing your (safe) obsession!!! I am currently obsessed with beading in circular patterns. Not sure when it will stop. Keep on Buttoning! People will really respond to these!

  4. hahahaha - nothing to add that Bobbie didn't cover with the "bless your heart". I just had to comment because I'm literally LOLing:)

  5. Sherri- I'm glad I've got you laughing. I've been laughing at myself over this obsession/addiction for DAYS now. I even made a few with one of my nieces. I'm passing it on. . .oh no! Ha! I appreciate you stopping in. :)


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