Holiday Shop Hop 2011

Today begins the Holiday Shop Hop 2011!!

Shel of MiShel Designs is the brainchild behind this baby! I'm sure you can find more information on this hop on her blog. 
Basically, several artisans have signed up to participate in this hop. Each link below will take you to either their shop or blog. Many of these individuals are having a sale and/or giveaway for just this weekend for the Shop Hop.

Personally, I'm offering 15% off ANY item in my CraftyHope Shop.
Just use the coupon code HOLIDAY2011
for your savings.

Here are some of the items still available
Laughter Falls Necklace
Bumble Queen Earrings
Brighten the Nest Necklace
Like the Wind Necklace
Steampunk Circus Earrings

Anyway, enough about me. Here's the list of the other Holiday Shop Hop participants.

Holiday Shop Hop 2011

**You are Here!! --> CraftyHope



  1. Your Laughter Falls and Brighten the Nest necklaces are sooo cool!

    Thanks for participating in the Holiday Shop Hop - I hope you have a successful weekend!

  2. Lovely jewelry, love the southern fall necklace. I hope you have a great weekend.

  3. Beautiful designs! Love the necklace with the buttons and that owl pendant is cute! :)

  4. Shel- I'm so glad you like those. Thank YOU for hosting the shop hop. It was a lot of fun. I enjoyed discovering some new shops!!

    Wendy- Thanks! Those two seemed to have been popular favorites. I appreciate you stopping by and saying so!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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