Holiday Hustle and Bustle

Why does the holiday season have to be so insane!?

Sorry I haven't been around much, but it's been just one thing after another.
My computer is still in the shop
I'm only 1/3 of the way through my Christmas shopping
I've had quite a few custom orders to make
There's lots of parties and programs and general chaos this time of year.

So, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed and have let some tasks go for the time being. I'm sorry that the blog has been one of them. However, without my laptop, editing photos has not been as easy. As well, listing items for the shop hasn't happened either. Hopefully I'll be back up to speed soon.

In the meantime, let me show off two of the custom orders I made. 
A local friend who has bought from me before wanted a couple of items for her daughters.
The oldest is 13 going on 14 and is quiet and reserved. She likes greens and tropical peaches. So I made her this necklace

The youngest is 12 and very much a girlie girl. She likes pink and is very social. I made her a memory wire bracelet with lots of bling.
My customer LOVED these pieces. I just hope her girls do too!!

As a reminder, 
the ornament swap reveal is this Saturday the 17th. I can't wait to show you the beautiful ornament Melissa made for me!!

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