Bead Tassel Bookmark Tutorial

One of the challenges I've been participating in this year has been the Pirate Pretties Jewelry Challenge from Angela of Pirate Pretties Jewelry. This is a birthstone challenge that gives us four prompts each month to create something and reveal it on the 15th. There's a color, metal choice, project type, and optional fun element(s). Here are the parameters for August: color - Peridot, metals - silver or bronze, project - bookmark, and fun elements - tassel or dangle. 

Since the only actual peridot I have in my stash were some little chips, I knew those would be used. And, because they are fairly small, I thought I might try my hand at using them to make tassels for a simple bookmark. It worked! 

However, it was definitely a learning process. In fact, I recorded the whole thing (because of course I did) for a Bead Tassel Bookmark Tutorial on YouTube. 

In the end, I think we all may have learned a little something - like how big of a dork I am. 

Don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions or suggestions about this process. 

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