August Challenges and Inspirations

Here's my little monthly roundup of some of the jewelry and art challenges I've found online to inspire me. I hope they inspire you to play along too. 

  • Sarajo of SJ Designs Jewelry has shared the inspiration photo for The August 2022 Honey Do List from her husband, Eric. I think it's a gorgeous photo that will hopefully spur some lovely jewelry designs. She's set the reveal for August 29th. 
  • I need to get my booty in gear because the Pirate Pretties Jewelry Challenge reveal is on the 15th of each month, and I haven't started yet. 😳 This challenge takes place on both YouTube and in the Pirate Pretties Facebook group.  It's a birthstone jewelry challenge with a couple of other prompts. For August, the color is Peridot, the metal choices are silver or bronze, the project type is a bookmark, and the optional fun elements are a tassel or dangles. 
  • The Halcraft Collection Pretty Palette Inspiration for August is awful dreamy. You can find all the information about this one on their site. 
  • If you're into 2D or 3D mixed media art, you may want to check out the #4Core challenge from Ina Solsbery on YouTube. At the beginning of each month, she reveals what she made for the previous month, shares what other artists made for the challenge, and announces the four core ingredients for the current month. Once you have your project made, you can send in your picture (and link) to her email before the end of the month. This month, the four ingredients are to make wall art on a sturdy substrate, include a mosaic design, work with several colors and textures, and send in a 2nd photo that shows a closeup of your mosaic. I've really enjoyed these challenges from Ina this year and hope you will play along!
  • There is also Mixed Media Menagerie from Nicole, Erin, and Laura in which they have three prompts for you to use in your art journal. The reveal for this takes place on Instagram (and YouTube if you like). This month, the prompts are florescent. stapler, and graffiti and the hashtag is #MMMAug22. 
  • Oh! And, #SeekGatherCreate for Summer 2022 has just begun. We're smack dab in the middle of week 2. This challenge comes from Lisa, Melanie, Jana, Tina, and Laura. The five prompts will be revealed on Instagram each Sunday for you to use during the week on any substrate. This week, the prompts are blooming flowers, tissue paper, something teal, stripes, and fabric. I've already revealed my contribution for this week on both Instagram and YouTube if you want to see it. 
  • Terry of the Tapping Flamingo on YouTube has her #BeCreative challenge each month that is open to any medium you wish. Each month, she has a theme. This month, the theme is Beach and the reveal is on the 13th. She hasn't shared the hashtag yet, but I'll add it here if I see it! Check out her video from the beginning of the year that talks about the challenge. 

I feel like I'm missing something, but it's just not coming to me right now. If you know what it is, drop me a comment so I can add it above. Are you going to be playing along with any of these!?

1 comment:

  1. As much as I like a good challenge, I can't always participate. However, I'm working on an old challenge from Sarajo's blog just because I was so impressed by Chihuly sculptures :)


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