Peek at My Week (Dec 8-14)

Wow, I don't even know what happened to this past week! I've been frantic to get as much ready for Christmas as possible so that I can spend some of next week enjoying the holiday spirit. 
The above tree picture is really the only one from my camera roll that I can share with you as most of the others are finished gifts or gift ideas or gifts-in-progress or projects I'll share here later. To compound things, I had a little touch of chest congestion that took me down for a day or two. So, my tree is the only peek you're getting this week. That's weird because I still haven't shared the tree on other social media. I guess I better get to that too. 

I was able to find a little inspiration over the week, though most of it is also Christmas gift or decorating related. You can definitely tell what's on my mind right now!

So, that's it from me this week. I'm hoping to finish up the shopping in the next day or two and then really focus on enjoying the rest of the holiday season. I hope the lead-up to the holidays (no matter what you celebrate) is treating you well and is full of much joy. Have a magical week!

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