June Challenges and Inspirations

It's yet another month, and that means that there are new challenges and ways to be inspired. I like to work with these fun and fantastic prompts myself and think it's only fair that I share them with you. It's always more fun when others play along too. 

  • ICAD 2019 from Tammy of Daisy Yellow has just begun. This challenge is a mixed media art one that invites you to create something on an index card every day for 61 days. It runs through June and July. Tammy even offers up daily prompts and weekly thematic prompts if you need them.  You can visit the link above and make sure to follow Tammy's blog to catch the prompts each week. 
  • Speaking of mixed media art, the latest Mood Board for Our Mixed Media Moods from DeeDee Catron and MixedMedia Jenn has been revealed. Watch their videos to see how these originators worked with the board, and check out the Our Mixed Media Moods Facebook Group to see how others worked with it as well.
  • Art Journey #4 at Art Bead Scene is open until June 15th. The theme for this journey is the work of Odilon Redon. Remember that contributions for this challenge must include an art bead. 
  • The June inspiration at Earrings Everyday is Storms. As Erin pointed out, most of the country is experiencing the storms that are raging or at least the after-effects. Read what she has to say and make sure to participate. The reveal is June 21st.
  • Over at Art Elements, we've been given a theme I've never heard of: Selkies. Well, the actual theme prompt is Selkies and the Sea. Again, though, selkies are something new for me. How exciting to learn something new! Anyway, the reveal for this challenge is June 30th. Make sure to leave a comment letting them know you are participating so you can be added to the blog hop list. 
And, those are all of the inspirations and challenges I've found this month. If you know of any to add to the list, please don't hesitate to let me know. Now, what's inspiring you?


  1. This was the first time I heard of Selkies as well.I am thrown off by "storms too." I am kind of stumped by these themes and I do not know if I'll be participating in it.I look forward to see how you interpret these themes.

    1. I can see maybe doing something with storms - if I jump on that soon! But, I know I'll be out of town for the art elements reveal, so I won't be able to participate in that one either. June is such a tough month - there's always something going on in the summer that steals my attention.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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