May Challenges and Inspiration

There are always quite a few challenges, prompts, and inspiration throughout the online creative community. However, it's sometimes hard to find them all together. As such, I like to make a list of the ones I've discovered. Most of these run just the course of a month or a few weeks before the reveal. However, some are longer. Here are the ones I've found for the month of May. 

  • The 100 Day project is still in full swing. Depending on your drive, you might have time to catch up!
  • Earrings Everyday has issued their monthly We're All Ears Challenge for May. This month, the theme deals with movement and momentum. The reveal is May 18th. 
  • Each month, Sarajo of SJ Designs Jewelry shares the inspiration that her husband sets for her and welcomes other designers to play along. She calls it the Honey Do List. The reveal date is May 21st, but she usually leaves the link tool open until the next reveal date.
  • Art Elements' May Theme is Tide Pools. While the blog was initially focused on jewelry-making, they have opened the themes and posts to include other art mediums - giving all artists the opportunity to participate. Make sure to read the requirements at the bottom of their post. Their blog hop reveal is set for May 31st. 
  • The Artisans Create Together Facebook Group has monthly themes as well. This month it is Happy Dance, and the inspiration photo includes a variety of bright, colorful, boho elements. You have to be a member of the group to participate and are welcome to reveal anytime throughout the month. 
  • Open through the whole month also is the May Monthly Challenge at Art Bead Scene. The main requirement of this challenge is that you use or make an art bead that corresponds with the artwork featured for the month. 
I have to admit that I don't participate in all of these challenges each month. And, some months I can't even seem to get around to any of them at all. But, it's always nice to know that the inspiration is right there waiting for me.

These are just the challenges and inspirations I've been able to find at the moment. I'm positive there are tons more out there. If you are aware of any others (bead or art or whatever), please let me know so I can add it to my list. 
Now, go be creative!


  1. These do all sound fun. I love how challenges can bring get us out of our box and create something we may never have otherwise.

  2. Most of what I've achieved in the last years I owe to challenges :) First, I participated in local challenges but when they ceased I had to find new ones and came across Art Bead Scene. Then I found some of the others you've mentioned and, even though I'm not a regular, they stretch my creativity for sure.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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