Motivation Waning

I don't know if I'm getting sick or still wrestling with the weather (we had a little hurricane over the weekend), but my get-and-go has got-up-and-gone this week. I'm lacking so much motivation. However, I have my trusty bullet journal to try and keep me on track. So, I've gotten a few things accomplished today.

These three pretties were taken up to Southern Antiques and Accents to be added to the booth.

I listed a pair of earrings in the Etsy Shop.
You'll find these Blue Glass Fairy Earrings there. You may remember the from #The100DayProject.

I'm working on editing pictures of jewelry to be added to the Etsy Shop. In fact, I started editing the pictures for this necklace yesterday. 
And, I decided to wear it to a meeting last night. It got loads of compliments. It's part of an old watch. I added pearls in the face with resin and accented it simply with more pearls and gold-tone chain. I hope to have it in the shop within a week. 

Finally, I started on this necklace from my Bead Box to Go during Hurricane Nate. It's sitting on my desk at the moment waiting for completion. I'm hoping to get to work on it some this evening. 

I did get some household chores done and will be making dinner shortly. Oh, and I just finished a blog post. So, I guess I've gotten more done than it feels like (when I list it all out like that.) I just feel like I'm dragging. Ever have days like that?


  1. More often than I'd like to admit even to myself! You have accomplished a lot more than I would in a day like this one :) The watch necklace is gorgeous and I can't wait to see the other one!

  2. Great creations Hope! I love the necklace from the old watch parts. Yes I get that same way sometimes. My life is fairly routine and working from home doesn't help! I have to mix it up by trying different things in the kitchen, heading out to do some yard work, etc to try to get that motivation back.

  3. That watch necklace is such a cool idea ~ you did fantastic work making that one! And those black earrings (very first picture on the post) and just wonderful! I hope you are not getting any ick and it is just weather related lack of motivation.
    (and Happy Anniversary!)

  4. You've accomplished a lot for a gal whose motivation is waning. After a long dry spell, I'm beginning to start up again. Christmas will be here before you know it.

    1. Candy, I just felt like I was dragging all day. In fact, the whole week has felt that way. I can't even talk about Christmas, it gives me mini-panic attacks! Wishing you all the best!!

  5. Me too....more tired than not....what a bummer!

    1. Veralynne, Yes! I just feel so exhausted despite not really doing much of anything. I'm so glad I'm not alone. I hope your energy finds you soon.

  6. the pearl watch - oh my! Everyone needs to catch their breath now and then and I think that hurricane kind of threw everyone off schedule. I've heard so many people say they don't even know what day it is this week! We can start fresh next week!

    1. Leslie Anne,
      Thanks so much. Yes. I'm in love with that necklace too! I'm finally getting back on track from the hurricane I think. I hope you are too! :)

  7. You look pretty productive to me! I LOVE that old watch as a necklace - what a cool design!


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