Wanderlust 2017: Weeks 3-8

For Christmas, my dear husband gave me Wanderlust 2017, "a year long journey in mixed-media and art journaling." Each week new lessons and/or activities are released. Though I've already fallen behind, I am definitely enjoying the journey. Since I shared the results of Weeks 1 & 2 with you some time ago, here's what else I've made from the lessons up to this point.

Week 3 - a lesson from Wilna Furstenburg
I bought and used acrylic inks for this lesson. I'm loving that medium!!

Week 4 - a journal page to represent January

Week 5 - working on composition and color, I completed two journal pages

Week 6 - a lesson from Amanda Grace, writing a love letter (hence the blurring).

Week 7 - a lesson from Clair Bremner

Week 8 - one activity of several was this journal page I completed yesterday.

I think learning from a variety of artists, all with their own style, is perfect for me as I'm getting to learn a variety of techniques and explore my own style.  It's a blast!

Today begins week 11 of the journey and I still have a few more activities for week 8. EEK! I've got some catching up to do, but I'm taking my time and working at my own pace. It would definitely ruin the process if I couldn't do that.

Now, to get to some house cleaning before anything else. 
Happy St. Patrick's Day and enjoy your weekend! What are your plans?


  1. I LOVE the acrylic inks page from Week 3!


    1. Thanks! I was really smitten with that one and the ones from week 7. Those were done on watercolor paper and not in the journal so they will likely be framed and hung. :) I appreciate you taking a look!!

  2. Beautiful journal Hope, I agree there is much to be learned from other artists.

  3. Looks like you're having a lot of fun Hope! My favorites are the drippy watercolors, that's my current favorite thing to do with paint!

  4. The blurring and use of colors is very artistic.

    1. Daniel, Thanks so much!! I appreciate you taking the time to pop in! :)

  5. It feels great to discover one's creativity with a new medium! Well, it's not new to you but I can relate to this post because I started sketching on my tablet software at the end of last year and even though all I dare to draw are flowers and greenery, I feel very satisfied :)

  6. These are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing them. I have always wanted to do this, but don't ever seem to get the time to do it.

    1. Denise, OH! THANK YOU so much!!
      I don't really have the time either. But, it's a nice creative boost when I do. Fortunately, all the lesson videos can be saved. It's been a lot of fun. Thanks so much for coming by and checking them out!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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