
I'm still trying to catch up on the goings on in my neck of the woods. I believe I mentioned that we took some vacation time. It was definitely a staycation as we stayed at home for the majority of it. One of our nieces joined us for just over a week of it. Here's how we enjoyed ourselves.

We spent the majority of the time, almost every day in fact, in the pool. This picture (above) is actually from the 4th of July when we had a big party.

The chickens were often harrassed visited by the niece. She's actually better with them than I am.

Plenty of time was spent in these babies. We really love the hammocks. If I couldn't find Missy May, she was usually found relaxing in one of our eno hammocks. They are so comfortable!

For the 4th of July, Pat got a bunch of fireworks. I couldn't help but giggle at the festival balls.

This was the carnage the next morning after we lit off ours and two other people's fireworks. It was a total blast!

While shopping, we spotted these little 2 inch canvases. Taryn took very little time creating a series of nighttime paintings on them. She asked for more before she even finished all of them.

On her last day with us, we took a drive down to Gulf Shores. Our first stop was at the Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo. They offer encounters with several types of animals. We chose to check out the sloths and were able to feed the two there. It was very cool.

After the zoo and some lunch, we headed to the beach for the rest of the afternoon. The Gulf felt great and there were plenty of waves to ride our boogie boards. Such a fun day.

The second week of our vacation was less picture-worthy. There was lots of floating the pool and some yard work. We totally took the chance to decompress and just relax.

So, what do you usually do on a staycation?  Are you as literal as we are?

1 comment:

  1. that is what summer is all about! sun, pool, beach, hammocks, fireworks ..... you must be the 'fun aunt'!


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