A Peek into my Craft Room

I got in one of those cleaning grooves and spent a few days cleaning, organizing, and purging the craft room. I'm pretty happy with the results and now have all kinds of craft grab bags for our upcoming yard sale. Here's a few peeks at what the room looks like now.
Straight inside the room is this bookcase and my bead cabinet
Off in the right corner is this hutch that holds most of my button collection
To the right of the door are most of my art journaling and papercrafting supplies
Next to and behind my desk is an array of supplies within arm's reach.
If you really want a good a look at my craft room, I did a video tour. It's much longer than I anticipated, but covers so much of what I've amassed.

I do love peeks inside others' creative spaces, so I hope you like this one from mine.


  1. I always enjoy looking into the creative spaces of others...Where Women Create is one of my favorite publications. I am in love with that green umbrella up in the corner! Your room looks like a fun place to get the creative juices flowing.

    1. I'm such a voyeur about creative spaces too! Oh, my parasol in the corner. I love it too. It just adds a little something and is up out of the way. Now that the space is all organized, it really does help to inspire me a bit more. Thanks for taking a look! :)

  2. Wow - awesome space. I'd feel inspired in there too.

  3. Cleaning your craft room feels great, I did it just a couple of months ago. Great craft space!

  4. Wow, this is so organized! I'm really impressed. Now honestly, how long will it stay that way? LOL

    1. Lee, It's organized for now. It's stayed fairly organized for a little over a week now. I'm trying REALLY hard to put things up/back after I use them. It's so hard! But, I know how much better it makes me feel.

  5. Nice! Now you can come to Kansas and organize my no so creative space.

  6. Looks like a great work space! The bead cabinet is awesome!

    1. Lorraine, Thanks! I do love my craft room. . .especially now that it's a bit lighter from the purge! And my bead cabinet - it's the best. I was so elated when we were able to get it. It was great to see you the other day. Sorry I couldn't visit more!

  7. Hi Hope,
    Beautiful room lots of good light for creating. I really need to get mine organized so I know what I have and can find it when I need it. Thank you for sharing your room with us.

  8. Wow Hope, you have a LOT of craft supplies!! It's such a great feeling to be organized, I try so hard and can make a mess in a minute!

    1. Jenna, Yes, I definitely have a ton of supplies. I had even more before the purge. It keeps me from getting bored though. And, the organization is a definite relief. Like you though, it's so easy to get it all spread out and disorganized in no time. I'm doing my best though! Thanks for popping in! :)

  9. This was a great tour too (I was directed here from your 2021 tour!) And funny that the very beginning of this video answered my question from your 2021 video - what the clothes pin line is for. Wonderful to see how much you love creating and your creative space.


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