Doing All the Things and What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday (WOYWW)

I constantly feel a need to

Seriously, it's a sickness. I'm forever

  • joining and participating in Facebook groups
  • taking on challenges
  • delving into new projects
  • listing and marketing my jewelry
  • thrifting whenever I can
  • commenting on other blogs
  • trying to clean my house
  • planning and making meals
  • blogging about all of it
  • and so much more. 
Sometimes I even get to create something. At the end of the day, I never quite feel like I've accomplished anything. . .no matter how much I've crossed off my to do list. It actually makes me tired thinking about all of it.

Please tell me you feel the exact same way. If you don't, please tell me how you manage all of it. I'm desperate to find some way to streamline all my tasks. In all of this, my desk stays just as busy as I am with the tasks that fly on and off it (or get buried under the chaos).

At the moment, I'm in the midst of working on Shannon Green's Journaling by 5s project. You can watch her video (previous link) or read about it on her blog,

This is my desk prepped and ready for Session 4: Words/Images

If you want to see how the project is going for me, you can check out my first few videos.

In addition to those supplies, I also have these luscious beads from Juli Cannon at StudioJuls that I just received in the mail. 
I need to carve out some time to play with these yummy pieces. But first, I have to conquer EVERYTHING ELSE!!! Sigh.

Please tell me how you manage it all.


  1. I am exactly the same. There is just not enough time - and to think I though i might be bored if i retired (early :-) ) Happy WOYWW Anne x #38

  2. Yeah, I hear ya ! It's a constant juggle of everything you listed. I do get obsessed with playing with copper though, then I neglect just about everything, except dinner of course :) If we could all just live on 2 or 3 hours of sleep, we'd sure get a lot more accomplished !

    1. Oh yeah, I do get those tasks that consume all of my attention. . .and it can be anything from blog hopping to making bread. I think with less sleep, we'd still be consumed with things to do. We'd constantly find ways to fill that void. It's life. :)

  3. How to Do All The Things is a great topic. The most helpful piece of advice I ever received was that you don't have to do everything at once. I sew, I write, I bead, I paint, I do doll customizing, I sing, and I also love to cook. But I don't do all of these things all of the time. January was a sewing-heavy month, and sewing took a back seat in February as I got into yoga and writing. These things may take a back seat in another few weeks, depending on what my interest is. I can feel an interest in singing resurface.

    This guy says it more eloquently than I can:

    1. Sarah, It would be an even better topic if I had the answer! The link you shared is great and gives me a little piece of mind that learning to do all these things and balance them just takes time, patience, and the will to do them. I need to focus on what's important to me right now and DO THAT, just as you are doing. Thank you so much for the link and for your process. They are very much appreciated! :)

  4. I manage it. Not. I've learned to prioritise some down time though. And I don't take on challenges or swaps any more, my real life means that my craft time is unpredictable and I will not let any one down. That said, I don't need exposure for a product or a shop and so feel no pressure to join in with things.This year I've cut back on the number of workshops I conduct and already I've started to notice that I'm really enjoying the work involved in coming up with the samples and's lost the 'chore' factor already. Whenit comes to the house...well, I'm a creature of routine which really helps!

    1. Julia, I think that's my problem is I'm trying so much to expose myself to everything for the sake of my 'shop' as well as for some innate need I have to not be left out. I think this is taking the fun out of so much of what I do enjoy doing. I have to find some way to back out of some of these commitments or just learn to not feel the guilt. The housework may have to go. . .hahahahahaha!! ;) Thanks for popping in!

  5. Okay.. I'm intriqued. Must check out Journaling By 5s when I have more time LOL I see by your sidebar you have been featured quite a bit in publications. Go you! Creative Blessings! Kelly #73

    1. Kelly, Oh - Journaling by 5s has been so fun! I still have to complete the last step and do some video editing of the last two, but it's been inspirational. I have gotten in a few magazines, but haven't submitted in a while since I've been so busy doing everything else! One day I'll try again. Thanks so much! :)

  6. I've learned to say No to things that I know will either take up too much of my time or cause me stress! Yep, at the grand old age of 53, I can finally looks folk in the eye and say 'Sorry, can't help you out this time'!! Yay, practise makes perfect. Of course, I still don't have enough hours in the day to do what I want to do...housework usually takes a minor role, lol! But I never make lists...I prefer to freewheel my way through life :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 7 xx

  7. First: thank you for the comment you left on #300.
    Second: sorry it has taken me so long to return the visit......#301 is almost here.
    Third: I have lists all over the place, do I get it all done?.....NOPE! Do I worry about it?......NOPE! I have found, over the years that it really isn't THAT important, and to just "let it go!"..............oh wait, that's Frozen..........LOL

    Thanks for visiting.....see you for #301

    1. Krisha, No worries about the return visit. . .I'm still hopping myself (and you see how long it took me to publish your comment.. . .geez!) 301 IS almost here!! Yeah, I'm trying to be all Scarlett O'Hara about it all, "Tomorrow is another day." ;) Thanks for taking the time to poop in!

  8. I know what you mean. I usually have too many topics on my to do list, but I learned to say no. So I do work on several projects the same time, mainly to use up access paint. But I have also many unfinished projects, which does not bother me.
    Thank you for your visit and your kind comment.
    Gabriele 26

    1. Gabriele, I definitely need to find a way to say no to some things and balance the rest of them. It's a process for sure. I'm getting there. Thank YOU for coming by here! :)

  9. I love all sorts of challenges, and I try to make things a habit...this led to too much to do last month! So I decided to force myself to skip a few weekly challenges this month=they are not a "full" series anymore, and I can easier skip them in the future, if I don't have time or the topic isn't interesting. I've also started to cut down on the size of my projects: a well done atc is just as interesting as a journal spread, but less time consuming! I've also noticed that browsing the web is generally away from my crafting time, so I try to limit it when time is scarce. I can understand that wanting publicity for commercial reasons forces you to be active on that too. I wouldn't mind having a few more hours in my days, and I've been planning on using mornings more efectively, the problem is just that the warm bed is so comfy!
    Kristiina #29

    1. Kristiina, Oh yes. . .it's do difficult to pull myself from the bed most mornings. I like your idea of taking on 'smaller' projects when the time is limited. Yes, and browsing the web does steal my attentions far too often. But then I feel badly for not commenting on others' blogs. . .I'm still working down the WOYWW list days later. Sigh. I appreciate your tips. They are helpful! :)

  10. The only thing I don't do that you do is blog about what I am eating and planning to eat - otherwise - ditto all the way. LOL
    Hugs, Neet (thanks for the visit - sorry I am late - busy week)

    1. Neet, I find that blogging about my meal plans helps me stick to them a bit more. I wouldn't make them as tirelessly as I do if I didn't plan on sharing it. Of course, no one really pays any attention to it so I am thinking about either dropping that from the list or just including it with blog posts about other subjects. I'm glad I'm not the only one with too much to do and not enough time. . .you see how long it took me to reply, AND I'm still not done hopping either. SIGH! ;)

  11. I just write lists - and lists, and more lists - it's the only way I cope with getting any thing done - and sometimes I add things to the list after I've done them just so I can cross them off! Love the beads and hope you find plenty of time to play with them! Thanks for stopping by my desk and hope you have a great week,
    Diana #40


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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