Today I'm. . .

Bookmarking tons of inspiring jewelry pieces on my Pinterest Jewelry board.

Cooking tacos for our stay-at-home Valentine's Day.

Creating a mess experimenting with all kinds of ideas. Below is my newest experiment with resin and solder. (I’d love to know what you think of it as I'm still not sure.)

Enjoying my second cup of coffee for the morning.

Knowing I am loved.

Liking how my contribution to the clay face challenge is coming along (the reveal will be at the end of the month)

Looking forward to the three-day weekend ahead. It’s supposed to be beautiful down here so we’re hoping to get to the beach once or twice in the next couple of days.

Needing to get off my but and get some chores done. The floors are atrocious and the trash in the craft room overfloweth.

Re-listing this super simple bracelet
Natural Neutral Bracelet

Reading “Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop CafĂ©” by Fannie Flagg and loving her writing. However, I just can’t seem to lose myself in the story.

Thinking of doing some shopping, but not until those chores are done!

Wearing my hair in a ponytail. . .meaning it’s time to get my hair cut.

Wishing y’all a very HAPPY Valentine’s Day. Even if you don't have someone to share the day with, I do hope you make sure to love yourself with some pampering, some chocolate, a nice workout, or whatever makes you happiest! Enjoy yourself.


  1. I hope that you have a great day! Me, I am actually stuck working in the office until 9 pm.

  2. Fascinating solder experiment, Hope :) Can't wait to see more!

  3. really loving what you're doing with this resin and solder piece ... can't wait to see more. Really looking forward to the SM/SM challenge with Therese! Can't wait to see what everyone did with their face!

    I really loved that book, but it does take a bit of time to get into the story. I don't know why, but there are a lot of books like that for me where they start off somewhere else - and end in a place where I don't want to stop reading. Mama Day was like that for me, and Secret Life of Bees

    1. Cynthia - OH what a relief you like the 'experiment'. I'm still not sure if it's really "me" or if it was just a nice way to play. I've GOT to finish my face piece. It's almost there. . .
      Thanks for the reassurance about the book. It's due at the library at the beginning of the week and I just hope I can finish it before then!! As well, I appreciate the other two recommendations! :) You're the best!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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