Meal Plan and Recipe Review

I've been sick with a nasty cold the last few days and am finally recovering (I hope). However, it leaves me a bit lazy and longing for some comfort food. As such, I threw together a menu that fits both requirements.

Breakfasts: Oatmeal, Juice, Yogurt & granola w/fruit, Waffles/pancakes (from freezer), Jam-filled almond muffins (I swear I WILL make these!), Breakfast burritos

Lunches: Leftovers, Soup w/grilled cheese, bean burritos, PB&J, Sesame noodles w/raw veggies, Tuna noodles, Cheese pizza (from freezer)

Spaghetti (w/soy crumbles) w/salad
Tacos (w/soy crumbles) w/all the fixin's & corn
Mac-n-cheese w/broccoli

I'm linking this menu up with Meal Plan Monday at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

Recipe Review

  • Peanutty Thai noodles with sugar snap peas: We liked these a lot. The hubs said he wished the peanut butter had been a little sweeter, but I was using Jif, so I don't know how much sweeter I could have made it. I really like that the peas were still really crispy. I may make this again, but I may fiddle with the recipe to get a sweeter taste from it.
  • Mushroom, corn, and poblano tacos: These were pretty good. They still needed a little 'umph' of something that I just couldn't figure out. I like that they were low calorie and still filling. However, I'm not positive I'll make them again.
  • Red lentil rice cakes: Let me first say that the flavor of these was really good. I didn't make the salsa as the hubs doesn't like raw tomatoes. I had an issue with keeping the patties together. It was a real fight. The recipe is supposed to make something like 12 patties. I made 10 and still had mix left over for 10 more. I froze the second half for another time. As such, I guess we will be eating them again, but I'm not sure I'll make them from scratch another time.
  • Delicious ham and potato soup:  - I've made this soup many, many times. I'm a huge fan of potato soup and have tried several recipes, but this one is our favorite. I do tend to 'mash' the potatoes some once they're soft as I like it a little creamier than the diced chunks. I will most definitely make these again.
  • Steamed shrimp & mushroom dumplings: As predicted in the instructions, these aren't a quick, throw-it-together dish. And though I was sick, I was willing to stand, stuff, seal, and steam to get these made. They were totally tasty and I will likely make them again when I'm sure I have plenty of time for them.
  • Garlic sesame snow peas: I reviewed these previously here

It's time to turn my attention back to playing with the beads on my desk and enjoying the comfort that is lower temperatures!
I can't really show you a picture of the lower temperatures. . .


  1. Glad you are feeling some what better Hope. I am also glad that Karen fizzled out before making land fall yay! Yummy food choices and from the sounds of those dishes, well just let me say I am glad I ate before reading this post, or I would be in the kitchen looking for something to eat. I like the looks of what you are playing around with on your bead table.

  2. You nut! I've still got the 'warmer' temps here at the beach. As such, all my comfort foods like yummy soups and stews may need to wait a few more weeks. As I was reading your review on the Peanut Thai noodles, I know there is an asian liquidy something that has a sweet flavor to it, but I can't think of it at the mo. Like a sesame oil/soy sauce...something. Urgh, that is gonna bug me all day now! :)
    Hope you're feeling better, I'm off to go play with beads too!

    1. Shirley, Cooler for us is 75 degrees! I'm not sure what the temps there are. I'm sure it'll warm right back up here, but the storm that wasn't (Karen) helped drop the temps a little. I'd love to know what you come up with for the liquidy something. I'll admit I think I did add the tiniest of touches of sesame oil to the recipe. I'm thinking a bit of soy sauce might help it. It's almost like it needs to be thinned down some. The whole thing ended up like one thick peanut butter noddle ball. And, while tasty just didn't have a huge separation of flavors. Soy sauce might help that. However, if you think of the thing you think you're thinking, please let me know!! :)


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