Year of Jewelry Week 8: Multiples (Earrings Galore)

For this week's theme of "Multiples", I didn't have to think too hard as I already had a project in the works. A friend of mine (MUCH younger friend of mine) celebrated her 17th birthday this week. She got her ears pierced last month and had asked me to make her some earrings. So, I went on an earring-making tangent and ended up with one pair of earrings for every year of her life and one pair for good luck. I'll let her decide which ones are the lucky ones.
See. . .MULTIPLE pairs of earrings!

Since I was in a rush to get the earrings to her on her actual birthday, the above picture is the only one I got of all those earrings, but I used Photoshop to zoom in and crop that picture a little so you can see the details somewhat better.
Top left corner
Top right corner
Bottom left corner
Bottom right corner

I tried to make sure I covered the gamut of what she might want/need: a variety of colors, some dressy, some classic, school colors, variety of metals, etc. And, I assured her that if she found that she needed some other kind of earrings I would totally hop on making it for her. What do you think? Did I leave anything out?


  1. I think you made a nice assortment and that she's lucky to have you as a friend! :)

  2. These are all lovely, I would be a very happy recipient if it was me.

  3. Holy Camoly! that's a lot of earrings for her to pick from ! She'll be sure to find some lovely ones there ... the biggest issue is which one she loves most! LOL

  4. Those are all super cute! I bet she will love them!

  5. Cynthia- Thank you. I do hope she likes them. I had a lot of fun trying to figure out what she might want and need. Fortunately, she's a bit girly so that made it a tad easier to decide. ;)

  6. this is such a generous gift: 18 pairs of earrings! and I love the diversity, as you said, you covered all possible occasions.

  7. Ana- I just hope she liked them. You never quite know with teenagers. Thanks for the boost of confidence though, I needed that! :)


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