A Word of Gratutude and A Roll-up Recipe

I felt a lot better about the new direction of my life after the last post.
There were so many of you who gave me support either here, on Twitter, or on Facebook. For that I thank you!! Stick with me and soon you might be able to buy some of the jewelry you saw yesterday!!!!

Yesterday was spent getting organized AND making one of the dishes I plan on taking to the marriage of Sara and Paul (the most talked about wedding on Twitter) this afternoon.

Since I'm fairly sure my organization is nothing to boast about (YET), I thought I'd share the recipe for the dish I made (that's kinda in the realm of crafty.)
It's one of those EASY things you probably already know how to make or have another recipe for it. An online search yielded a TON on different recipes. They go by many different names: pinwheels, rollups, spirals, meat-with-cheese-in-a-tortilla-thingies,and so on.
All they really are is a tortilla with cream cheese, layers of lunchmeat and cheese, rolled up.
Here's what you need (Ingredients)
Tortillas (any flavor and size are fine - I used garlic & herb ones for most of these)
Cream Cheese (softened)
Lunchmeat (I used both ham and turkey)
Cheese - thinly sliced (I used American and Swiss)
Aluminum Foil

Place a tortilla on a square on aluminum foil and spread the cream cheese.

Layer the meat(s) and cheese(s) (can just do meat, or just cheese if preferred)

Roll the tortilla with the stuffing as tight as possible

Roll the foil around the rolled tortilla and seal the ends

Chill in the fridge for several hours
Then; remove, unwrap, and slice so they look like this. (You can see I didn't get a tight enough roll on the ends, but the one in the center looks GREAT. In any case, they are TASTY!!)
So, that's as crafty as I got yesterday before I headed out for the "rehearsal dinner."
It should be an interesting and fun time today!!


  1. Yum! I've been craving something like that! I'm going to make 'em with veggie-deli slices. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

    A bunch of us gals are going through a change (er, not "The Change" - although, I think I just had a hot flash) in lifestyle right now, and I like to believe it's for the better. =)

  2. Those rolls were tasty! I don't know who brought the cocktail weenies and meatballs, but those were great too. The bacon brownies were an acquired taste, but I had acquired the taste for them by the time I got through the fourth or fifth one.

  3. Bella- I'm not quite sure what a veggie deli slice is, but veggies and cream cheese in a tortilla sound GOOD! The change... HAS to be for the best. I feel so much more myself right now than ever! :)

    Big Blue- I'm glad you enjoyed them. In fact, I made the weenies also. Heather made the meatballs. Oh and the bacon brownies....mmmmmmm!!


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