The First Steps and a Giveaway

So begins the first full week without a job.

Today has been spent going through some information on Etsy and how to set up my shop. I've been saving the links for over a year, so there's a lot of information to absorb. I think I got through a lot of the main points. Now it comes down to actually writing up my policies and profile, taking pictures, pricing items, and listing them. Yeah, THAT's all. Of course, I still need to figure out a few things regarding prices for shipping, tax information, and some of the finer points. I had to stop thinking about it before my head exploded with all the other tidbits. But, it's definitely coming along. I can see (in my head) some actual listing on the horizon.

For now, though, I want to share with you a giveaway from Denise Yezbak Moore. It's one heck of a haul if you win The Best Bead Give-A-Way Ever. Head over to her blog and check it out.

That's one BEAUTIFUL stash!!

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