March Honey Do List Reveal

As soon as I saw the Honey Do List inspiration photo from Sarajo and Eric of SJ Designs Jewelry, I had an inkling of what I would create. Admittedly, that doesn't always happen. Sometimes Most of the time, I have to study Eric's photographs to zone in on what calls out to me. However, the simplicity of this one put me right in the zone. I wanted to make a cluster of the same-colored beads hanging from a length of chain. So...I did!

It did take me a bit of time to decide on what findings and chain I would use (I kept thinking aged brass would work too.) Oh, let me show you the inspiration photo so you'll know what I'm talking about.

Do you see what I mean? Brass would have worked well to represent the bark. But, I decided to use some of the black-coated findings I have instead. I don't often use them because the coating flakes off. In this case, I thought that worked well to add an organic feel to the earrings.

Most of the beads in my stash were too much of a cherry-red for the berries in the photo, so I went with these more maroon ones that make them look a lot like red grapes. 

Either way, they feel juicy and fruity like the photo. 

Thanks to Sarajo and Eric for the inspiration. I always like a good kick in my pants to get me creating. 

Make sure you head over to SJ Designs Jewelry to see what Sarajo and the other artists made for this berry good challenge!


  1. I love them! And you're totally right - flaking off makes for an organic look :) I've got some black coated wire that I don't use for the same reason, now I may rethink it :)

  2. OMG. I don't how I missed your post until now... I'll blame it on my crazy travel schedule lately. Either way, my apologies for my tardiness! I just love the earrings you created. They are just perfect for the inspiration and I bet that they have great movement too. Thanks for playing along with us!

    1. No worries at all! I'm WAY behind on responding to comments, and I haven't even been traveling. I'm glad y'all are getting to be out and about again. I've missed seeing the sights you share!


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