Currently, I'm. . .

I must apologize for my absence recently. This is only the third blog post for the whole month!! Wow. What a slacker I've been lately. We took a two-week vacation (staycation) during the month, and I just haven't been very inspired. But, I hope to work on that. While I try to get my head sorted and some blog post ideas plugged into the calendar, I'll give a little idea of what I'm up to.

Currently, I'm

Cooking simple, basic meals that both satisfy and comfort. Last night, I made Spicy Peanut Butter Tofu with fried rice and the plan for tonight is spaghetti with a salad and garlic bread.  

Creating very little. I feel like not much has been MADE lately, but I’ve been playing with a tin earring design that has loads of movement. 

Feeling all the things because over the last month, we’ve lost at least four people I know to Covid.  

Liking that the building on our property has been completed (at LONG LAST!)

Listening to a few creative art podcasts, namely, the Laura Horn Podcast and Show Up or Shut Up (the Willa Wanders Podcast).

Listing this French Bubble Necklace. (It's is the newest item in the shop.) 

Marveling at any little bit of beauty I can find.  

Needing to get back into the swing of things.  

Reading "Things in Jars" by Jess Kidd.

Thinking about adding a few different products to my shop, mainly some prints of my photographs and/or ephemera and paper packs from some of my stash. 

Wearing anything that fits as I’ve gained a bit of weight recently. 

Wishing I could get motivated to lose the weight I’ve gained! 

Working on building my own website. (Yes, for real!!)

Soooooo, what have you been up to? Seriously. I want to know!


  1. I think it has been a slow creative period for many of us. But as long we are moving (forward) as whatever pace suits us, it think it is fine.

    1. You're probably right. Any movement is good, even of the pace is a snail's! Thanks, Divya! ❤️

  2. I am so sorry you have lost friends to Covid! I believe you will regain your passion for jewelry making and crafting in general, just don't push things, as Divya said - at your own pace :)


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