July Art Challenges and Inspiration

Trying to keep up with The 100 Day Project and Daisy Yellow's Index Card a Day (icad) challenge has kept me from participating in some of the monthly challenges I also enjoy. Since there are only two more days (today and tomorrow) of #The100DayProject, I'm hoping I can devote a little more time to some of these other creative inspirations. 

  • Over at Earrings Everyday, Erin has proposed "Cheers to July" as the inspiration for We're All Ears. The idea is to be inspired by your favorite beverage. (I kinda did that for the "Paradise Calling" prompt in April. Ha!) The reveal is set for July 20th. 
  • Here's a new challenge site I stumbled on the other day. Paper Artsy (a paper art site) currently has a Transfers challenge with a July 22nd deadline. I can see transfers being used in a variety of mediums so it can apply to so many of you!
  • Each month Sarajo's (of SJ Designs Jewelry) husband Eric offers up a "Honey Do Challenge" that consists of a photo he's taken. This month it's a pair of crows in a tree. The deadline is  July 23rd. 
  • Sun, Moon, & Stars is the inspiration at the Artisans Create Together Facebook Group. Make sure you upload your pictures to the album before July 30th. 
  • You've got until the end of the month to make and share your creation for the July Monthly Challenge at Art Bead Scene. Remember that your creation must include an art bead. I think the art inspiration this month is very cool. You should check it out!
  • July's Theme is Seed Pods at Art Elements. This intriguing challenge is also open to any medium and the reveal date is July 31st. 
  • Facet is also hosting a design challenge with the theme of "Road Trip" to commemorate your summertime trip(s). This challenge is for July and August so you have until August 29th to submit a design or two. 
Those are all the challenges I know of right now. If you're hosting or participating in one you want to share, please don't hesitate to let me know so I can add it to the list. 


  1. Here is a challenge....


    1. Thanks Veralynne! Heading over there now and will add it shortly! :)

  2. I really look forward to this challenges reminder post every month. It helps me keep a tab on each of them

    1. Yay! So glad I can help. I like to have everything in one concise list like this so I was hopeful it would help others. If I've helped only you, that's plenty for me. Thanks for letting me know.

  3. Like Divya above says, this reminder is very helpful. I know that I will be taking the seed pod challenge for sure and will see about some of the rest. The Facet is new to me, looks interesting :)

    1. Rosantia, So glad that I can help. I always like to have all the info in one place, and this list helps me just as much as everyone else. But, I'm so pleased to be able to help! I can't wait to see what you create. And, I guess I need to figure out what I'll be making too. Ha!!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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