Index Card a Day 2018: Cards 4, 8, 12, 16, 19, & 20

I've been steadily participating in Daisy Yellow's Index Card a Day challenge for this year since its start on the first of June. There have been a few hiccups and fall-behinds, but for the most part, I'm doing it! I shared my first three cards with you several weeks back, and have a few more ready to share. In fact, I've already posted process videos for them on YouTube but wanted to make sure y'all got to see them too.

To be honest, I'm only showing off my favorites as there are some real ugly not-so-pretty ones in the collection. 

Card 4 is definitely high on my list of favorites. The combination of the ephemera in the background and the altered and sewn-on seam binding give it a yummy grunginess. 

I love how Card 8 happened by accident - kinda. I really just grabbed some things that were sitting around the craft room, and it came together so perfectly.

There's really nothing super special about Card 12, but the bright pops of color absolutely catch my eye.

The blending and splotchy-ness of the primary-colored inks in Card 16 are so yummy. And, the addition of one of my hand-carved stamps really adds so much. 

I don't even know what it is that draws me to card 19. It's so...random. 

Card 20 was inspired partly by my niece encouraging me to do a "galaxy" painting and partly from that day's prompt of "Greetings from...". I think it came together perfectly.

Working on a small canvas like a 3x5 index card is so less intimidating than some other spaces. It's given me the opportunity to try out techniques, materials, and supplies that I've either forgotten about or been hesitant to use.

Those are all the favorites that I have uploaded with videos at the moment. You can view the videos by clicking the links below each photo or view my ICAD 2018 playlist on YouTube. Feel free to see the rest of the collection on Instagram. I've got quite a few more I'm hoping to share as soon as I can get the videos edited. Please let me know if you have any questions about my process for these or the materials I used. I'll do my best to answer them. 


  1. The process of making these is fascinating! I love the "stay simple" card - a beautiful coordination of message and expression!

    1. Rosantia, It's a lot of fun to make them and gives me a break from jewelry-making. We all need a break sometimes. The ICAD challenge has ended but I've still got loads of videos and cards to share. So, I'm really glad you enjoy seeing them! Ha.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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