Kindness in the form of Craft Supplies

Is there anything better than new craft supplies, even when they're simply new-to-you?

I have the most kind and generous online friends. Jenna of The Painted Apron is the perfect example. On her blog, she shares her amazing art, yummy recipes, and inspiring decor along with much more. In addition to all that talent, she's one of the kindest people I've ever met.

After leaving a comment on one of my blog posts, Jenna e-mailed me with a question. Working on downsizing and minimizing her stash, she wanted to know if I was interested in some of the craft odds and ends she had been collecting and was ready to part with. Obviously, I jumped at the offer. We met a few weeks later at the Eastern Shore Art Center, where we briefly admired the work of another artist. After chatting for a bit, she graciously bestowed two heavy plastic boxes upon me.

Oh, the treasures inside!

I will admit that before I took these pictures, I did a quick sort through the goodies with my niece - pulling out the very few items I knew I couldn't use and letting said niece keep a few for herself. Rest assured that the unused items will be donated, and there's still so much awesomeness.

I've already got ideas for a couple of the items in this awesome stash. But, I definitely need to go through it more to let the bounty inspire me. There's just so much!

The bulk of it is costume jewelry, but there are also bottle caps, glass tiles, knobs, dominoes, and so much more.

To Jenna, thank you SO MUCH for the craft bounty, all the fun I'll have sifting through it again and again, and the inspiration contained in these two boxes. I encourage the rest of you to check out Jenna's blog, The Painted Apron, and her Society 6 Shop which features her artwork on various materials.

Here's hoping you're having a fabulous week and that much kindness comes your way also.


  1. ok, I am totally blushing! Thank you for all the kind words Hope!! You are very gracious to accept my humble "treasures," quite the mish mash of old junk! But I do think of you so often and your clever creations, so it brings me such joy to donate to another artist! Also thank you for the links, much appreciated! Happy Creating~

  2. It looks like quite the treasure. I hope that you are able to upcycle a lot of them

  3. oh she knows the way to your heart for sure!! I see all kinds of crafty goodness coming from this new stash!! can't wait to see what you do with it all

  4. Nice! I also got an unexpected treasure of beads while I was in the US and it felt better than Michael's ;) It is so inspiring!


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