Giveaway update and other news

Unfortunately for her, I don't think Clare ever saw my last post and that she had won the first earring giveaway. However, that means another lucky reader has been selected. Don't worry though Clare, there are still a few more giveaways to go. The second giveaway is going on right now! Make sure you leave your e-mail when you leave a comment thought!
Number 4 is Al! I'll be e-mailing Al about getting her prize to her. Congratulations!!

In unrelated news, my middle school dreams came true this weekend as I went to New Orleans with some friends to see New Kids on the Block! As an added bonus, Paula Abdul and Boyz II Men were also part of the show! 

We had some pretty amazing seats in front of a second stage toward the back of the venue.
Yup, that's the New Kids RIGHT THERE behind me! And yup, I was geeking out! 

Anyway, the last bit I want to mention is that I should be sending out my first newsletter in the next day or two. Make sure you're signed up!

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I think that's all for now. How was YOUR weekend?

1 comment:

  1. I'm just catching up on my blog reading and saw this post. I'm so excited for my earrings to arrive!


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