Puppy Love

We've got a new member of the family!
We're calling her Zoe after Zoe Washburn from Firefly, the tv show. Like Zoe, she's a Browncoat. Ha! She's a 12 week old brindle Boxer.

And, she's already made herself at home.

One member of the family isn't too sure about her yet.
I do hope that in time they become best friends. For now, we're keeping them mostly separated. But, they're interested in watching each other closely through the baby gates.

And, for a little more cuteness. Here's a video I captured when we got Zoe home.

I've still been crazy-busy, but do hope to get in a good routine again. Of course, between the new addition and with it being holiday season. . .we'll see how that goes.

Anybody got any dog-training tips?


  1. Crate train and puppy classes to train both of you. Zoe is adorable.

    1. We are definitely crate training. We got the crate before we even got her! She's definitely getting it. Puppy classes are coming soon I think. We love her. Can't wait for y'all to meet her (and see some of the changes at the house. . .eeek!)

  2. She is so sweet! I do hope they get along with the cat - we had two cats and a dog once, the felines pretended they didn't like the dog but secretly cuddled with her during winter nights ;) No tips, sorry - our dog was born an angel.

  3. Congrats on your new fur-baby! She's adorable!

    1. Thanks Kelly! We're totally smitten with her.
      I appreciate you taking the time to stop in!

  4. I advise a puppy training class. If you can find one with an APDT trainer all the better (Association of Pet Dog Trainers). "If you don't train to get the dog you want, you end up with the dog you deserve." Zoe is a lovely puppy. Best of luck with her.

    1. Candy, We're definitely considering some training, especially for walking on a leash. She just wants to pull and pull It's quite tiring. Thanks for the insight!

  5. I love, love, love Boxers. They are THE cutest big dogs ever. I'm sure your purr baby and Zoe will become the bestest of friends after the puppy stage has passed ;-).

    1. Michelle, We've wanted a boxer for YEARS!! And yes, waiting to get past the puppy stage, but it could be a while for sure. Thanks for popping in! :)


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