Earrings Everyday Use Your Leftovers Challenge

I needed a bit of a kick in the pants to get my creative juices flowing again. The Leftovers Challenge from Earrings Everyday seemed like just the thing.

It's been a crazy and hectic holiday season. Have I mentioned that? Ha! I'm sure everyone has had a bit of an insane schedule lately. Personally, I haven't really had a chance to even touch my craft supplies in several weeks. It's been a sad state of affairs. My craft desk has turned into a dumping space.
No beads in sight! Since the challenge is to use leftovers and there were none to be had on my craft desk, I turned to the top of my bead cabinet to see what was there.

I found several little stashes.
There's the strand of vintage plastic beads, a bowl of interesting elements taken from old pieces I took apart, a jar with bead pairs I dumped in it long ago, and two little containers of small beads.

I pulled out what I thought I could/would use and put it on a craft mat. After matching up the beads, I added a few additional elements from around the craft room.
From there, I went to work and even changed my mind about the bead arrangement laid in front of me.

I knew from the start that not all the earrings made would be awesome, but that I simply needed a creative boost. Once done, there were definitely ones I preferred over others. Below are my least favorite of the bunch.
While pretty, they're just so-so

These are okay.
The ones on the left are a little bland, and while I like the dangles (from old earrings) on the right; I'm just not feeling the beads in them.

My favorites of them all are these next two pairs.
The geometric wood connectors came from an old necklace I bought and took apart ages ago. I only added some antiqued brass findings and those two vintage white beads.

This pair is my absolute favorite. I took the silver tone metal connectors and added iced enamels in chartreuse to bring them up a notch. The clear beads are chandelier crystals sandwiched with brass daisy spacers. The rest of the findings are antiqued brass, including the handmade ear wires. 

I totally feel a little more creative, despite the wonky schedule that I'm finally adjusting to. Two of my nieces are staying over during their break until Christmas Eve. I'm hoping we can stay out of the Christmas crazy and get a little creating done. . .even if it's just some cookies!

I'm linking this up over at the Earrings Everyday blog, and you can find others participants there as well.

Let me know, what do you do to get your creative juices flowing after a long break?


  1. I'm glad this got you in the creative mood again. I also like your favorites, but I also love the ones with chain!!

    1. Ann, Oh me toooooooo!!! So glad the chain ones get your vote. I wasn't sure if they were just to monochromatic or something. Hearing you like them makes me feel a ton better about them. Thank you!! :)

  2. I love them all, it's amazing to me how you take some old junk and make fabulous creations! I haven't done any serious painting in almost 2 months, and I am itching to get back to it in January...I find the process of organizing supplies and tidying up very energizing :) Merry Christmas Hope!

  3. One of the reasons I was hesitant about this challenge was the fear that I will make earrings that are "so-so". On the other hand, it makes you feel creative, so finally the winners are those who took it :) Even though you don't like all of your creations, I think you did well and did not just stack some coordinated beads.

  4. Isn't it fun what a quick fire challenge can do for you?! I love all the earrings, but especially the ones with the wood rhombus. Very cool! Hope to see you in more monthly challenges in the new year! Enjoy the day. Erin


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